.. I LOVE BEING A JOBLESS STUDENT. dont need to pay for anything (: heehee
alright pictures. you know me! what else did I do besides.. CAMWHORE! (disclaimer: REALLY REALLY SWEATY FACES. :x)
stalkerazzi picture?! taken by my bro. we were going down the escalator, then he was like 'one more shot! okay one more! last one! LASTTTT one!' I feel like slapping my face here D:
YEAHHH. yesterday was awesome lah. you know that's like the 4th time I've been to sentosa this year, in like about 4 months? but I'll never tire of that place. I need to take the simulator ride next! it's even more awesome than the stupid science center ones, those aren't awesome at all. you just scream because you paid for the ticket, so diedie must enjoy.
anw today was hawt. because the sun was feeling HAWT, hot like a hotwheelsracingcar, then later in the evening it pee-ed on us all. guess it was holding a lot of pee in over the weekend. went to j8 with the usual people for lunch. pastamania. I ate kfc though.
and then wenqiang diwei yuhan polly me went to play guitar hero3. HEHE. I havent played that game for so long, cos my xbox is spoilttttt D: ohwell. at least my skills weren't that rusty. I GOT A HIGH SCORE :D :D :D hahaha I can't rmb for what song, I played a couple. I know my high score was like 3 times more than the high score before me HAHAHA. I should play with my cousins. I'd get trashed worse than a rubbish bin D:
I MISS MY BLOODY XBOX LAH SEY. it's been spoilt since end dec hols last year D: hm actually I don't miss my xbox, I miss trashing my bro at guitar hero3 and tony hawk project8 :D he trashes me too lah, duh, cos he's like full of rubbish. he pwns me at all the shooter games thingums. like halo3 and wtv.
ALRIGHT. must be guai. I'll go read my lecture notes now. sad life. BYE.
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