wouldn't it be ironic if one day there was a prostitute who got into an argument with a guy, and she got really pissed off. imagine the conversation that would pass!prosty: don't give me that bullshit, you asshole!
man: oh yeah? whatcha gonna do about it huh?
man: .....for that bod, I'll give you 500 for three hours
HAHAHAHA. I don't care, it's funny okay 8D
...hm. maybe I am the sickest person in class. X_X ha okay I don't really care heehee
so all messing about aside, I actually did something productive today. well not really productive, but it was nonetheless important.
so today I woke up at 10am, and I was like "I should do something more productive." Solution: WATCH DVD! hahaha no lah I didn't really think of doing anything productive, I just wanted to do something that didn't involve playing games, xbox or otherwise.
[edit: I put up the trailer in the video section of my blog, go check it out if you want]
so I watched this movie called the city of god. it's about gangsterism in rio de janeiro in the sixties up to the seventies, if I'm not wrong. it's got the three must-have elements of all gangster movies, I guess: sex, drugs, guns. but I think the most important thing is that it's not just about showcasing men at their most base, vile, conditions as far as morality is concerned.
it's just riveting because besides those three elements, it makes you question how far even the most morally upright human beings would go to protect their own, if they were pushed to the breaking point. would he allow himself to be completely buoyed by hate and revenge and consequently get swallowed whole by the sin of gangsterism?
I cried twice during the movie, once when a kid got shot in the foot and he was bawling his eyes out, and the second time when the big gangster boss' best friend and second-in-command (sidekick?) who's probably the only hoodlum in the entire movie who does his best to carry out operations without killing anyone.
it's absolutely touching you know, because the grip of gangsterism is so tight over the city of god (that's the city's name, ironically enough) that even the kids, from as young as maybe four or five years old, get roped in. the sad part is watching them get excited when they're given loaded guns. which is something that should never be done to kids.
the fact that the kids think that snorting cocaine, killing people and dealing drugs makes them a man isn't that surprising because it's present even in delinquents in the first world. but there's this one kid who feels so vengeful about his father's death that he actually puts up this innocent kid front just to get to the man who murdered his father.
it's amazing that he'd go to such extreme lengths just to kill a man. don't even talk about the concept of forgiveness, in the city of god the only language they understand is the language of cold-blooded murder. it's gotta make you wonder if the kid's just screwed up, or if the kid wasn't actually screwed up but just got screwed up after his father was shot, or if he even came up with the plan because he was encouraged by his environment, where everything passes off as an excuses to wield a gun and either pick a fight or shoot somebody.
I could just go on about it forever, but the thing is that I don't think you wanna listen. ha. so mainly the thing that fascinated me the most about the movie is the concept of the fragility of life. seriously. in the city of god, you just turn a corner and you could get shot, nobody cares if you haven't committed a sin in your entire life. and the cops just go around incarcerating innocent people cos they know they can't do anything about the real hoodlums so putting some random bums in jail who look like they're slightly dangerous gives them a sense of accomplishment, as though they haven't completely fulfilled their purpose as upholders of justice and law.
pick any first-world country (with the exception of harlem in america?) and the idea that you aren't safe the moment you step out of your door scares everybody shitless. it's a completely inhumane, inconceivable concept to most of us.
but think about how different your life could have turned out if you were born in a place like the city of god. pretty far-fetched, and maybe even lame, the first time you think about it, but honestly it's by God's will that we were lucky enough to be born into a safe environment. if He'd wanted to He could have just made us be born in a living hell. then what would you do?
it's only by trying to imagine what life in a hellhole like the city of god would be like that you realize how sheltered you are. how lucky you are that you don't have to worry about getting killed by a stray bullet or worse, being betrayed by one of your friends who's desperate for more drugs and would do anything to get them.
and honestly honestly speaking I really cannot imagine that. it's a completely isolated concept for me, to hear gunshots every night, waking up the next morning to some horrible piece of news that my neighbour got killed in a drive-by shooting. life just wouldn't BE life if I lived in a place like that! I dunno what it would be.
times like this you go here I am whining about how horribly awful my grades are and then aspiring to a certain profession when I grow up, it's almost as though I couldn't care less that life for some kid halfway across the world is utter hell.
I can't help being so so thankful for the life that I have now. incredibly awesomely completely totally grateful. praise be to God. (:
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