it's like I checked into rehab, and baby you're my disease
i just got back! today was quite good :Deven though I got a little bit of a scolding from mum because I came home later than she prefers me to.
I had tuition at 2.45, and then I went orchard to meet my cousins! :D they'd been out since morning la, but since I had tuition, I couldn't go earlier ):
but it was still great! my older cousin brought me and my younger cousin (she's actually the same age as me) to eat at swensens, bought us bracelets and havaianas too! :) I really loved the swensens late lunch though, it wasn't so much the fact that it was swensens, haha it's just nice to kick back and talk crap with them sometimes.
with my loud cousin sitting beside me and the older one opposite me. heehee we even talked about boobs.
get this. boob sizes can be likened to fruits: the smallest ones are oranges, the bigger ones are watermelons, and the LARGEST ones are.. apples. you know why, because the apple isn't the size of the boob anymore, it's the size of the thing on the boob!
yeah it's sick I know but I don't care it's damn funnyyyy. it made me think you know, how lucky the boyfriend/hubby must be, if you get one with the apple size, you probably don't need to buy your own pillow, can just use her boobs as your pillow hahaha
generally it was very fun :D and yayyy I did one of the things on my list. I spent more time with my cousins! (:
and update on everything else, I guess.
I tried learning it ends tonight on the piano, and it's a beautiful song on the piano, but MAN OH MAN. the verses are so fricking hard to learn. and I have to make my own score you know, because I can't find the score on the net. I'm watching youtube videos and learning.
it sounds 98% like the real song, but I didn't know it'd be that hard! :O
and I downloaded sheet music for drowning by the backstreet boys. aye it's nice on the piano aight. don't sneer. it's not nice. >:( wahaha. just that it's hard as well.
what else...
I was listening to at40 today and I heard a song which was about not wanting to pretend any longer. quite nice. I don't think it was about a girl, or anything about love. sort of has meaning for me. but I didn't get the song title, because ryan didn't say ): either that, I was too busy doing math.
tuition mah. I really don't like. it's not helping me at all.
ps. I just found that song I was talking about. guess what, the title's love remains the same. wtf. -.- i really thought it wasn't about love lor. aiyo. I think I wasn't listening properly, because the last line of the chorus is the title of the song alerrr. -.-
....i think I have a crush on katy perry. HAHA. no la. but she's so hot man. if I were a guy, she'd so be my new favourite pop artiste. and she's abit like pink, don't you think. but more feminine-looking, hahaha. that's why I like her. the pink thing.
and RIHANNA AND JT ARE SO HOT MAN. I wish I could be as hot as rihanna ): rihanna's the hottest female pop artiste in the business, I think, because she's not at all bimbotic and she doesn't even care even though she's fricken hot.
I should really stop talking about hot girls.
JT IS SO HOT. I WISH. erm. haha I wish I had someone like him in my life. !?! I don't know. I have to wish somethingg. -.-
okay enough randomites. gtg! cya.
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