Tuesday, August 19, 2008


aiyohhhh. -heaves a huge sigh-

I'm so glad I don't like anyone right nao. walao haha it's been a long time since I've not liked anyone more than as a friend. I feel slightly detached from the world now, like I'm missing something. but that's probably just because I've been seriously crushing on a million different people ever since school started. hm no la actually it's just three. but that's still a lot of guys in eight months. hahaha. damn.

but it is a nice feeling tho, not caring about any specific guy more than I care about other guys. cos when I fall for someone I think a lot about him, as you probably would have figured out by now. I never realized how much time and energy I spent on focusing all my love on him. so now that I don't have anyone to direct that energy to I can just forget about love and focus on the more important things in life right now. (:

and I also realized that, sure everyone wants to find a guy who completes them, but some people find a guy and fall for him first before getting to know him better. so they kinda "make" the guy complete them in a sense. since you already have feelings for the dude, you want him to fit a certain mold, to be the guy that completes you. and you make yourself see him that way.

it's not fully natural, in my opinion. as in there's an element of artificiality about it which I personally don't think should be the case in any relationship...but I dunno I don't have much experience anyway :P

I mean to me... the way it should happen is that you meet a guy who you can immediately hit it off with, but you don't fall for him just yet. after all just because you guys have awesome chemistry doesn't mean he completes you. you don't need to jump into a relationship because you guys can really click, so you shouldn't like force anything to happen by like spending every moment you can with him. just like spend time with him the way you would spend time with a close friend.

anddd if he's the right one things'll just happen from there on. if he's not it doesn't matter he's still your friend and you didn't lose anything either by getting close to him. most importantly you didn't break your heart discovering that he's not the right one when you've pinned so much hope on him from the start..

but basically the most important thing is to not let the euphoric sensation of chemistry get to you and impair your judgement.. yup.

LOL that's what I've learnt. from dudes. personally I think it's a foolproof method xD but i guess others would choose to do it a different way

who really cares, as long as everyone's happy in the end (:

back to lit. bye!


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