if you care, haha.
cos actually I don't.
's why I've got nothing to say about today other than that. I'm gonna blog about OG OUTING(: yesterdayyyyyyy
T'RUELOVESKISS(: went to ecp to cycle. of course only a few people came, once again, but it's okay at least it was somethingggg. (: five others wanted to come but couldn't- brendan, engs, shao, christian, yile. so in the end it was only 7 people at the outing: anthea bertrand benlee albert guangyu yi ning me! ALBERT & YI NING both came (: most importantly, haha cos we don't get to see this two in school anymore
anyway cycled to changi (or at least attempted to before it was time to turn back), making two stops along the way just to slack and camwhore and talk crap (: at some point we tried taking jump shots, but we mostly phailed at it. HAHA.
lols yep there were proper ones but they're with albert and I haven't gotten them so this'll have to do for the time being! after returning the bikes we went to have dinner and then we went home!
engs and shao wanted to come if only we ate at town): oh well. some other time! which I guess won't be any time soon, cos promos are coming in 5 weeks time now I think and so's alevel prelims so even if we have another outing after promos j2s will be freaking busy.
sigh. life is tough! i can't believe time passed so fast, I can still remember orientation! DRINKING GOGGLES UP (: sigh and all those nights after orientation we went to hang out at the j8 2nd floor open space.. and the first day of orientation we slacked at the MR town and then got chased to ri and then got chased to j8 HAHA. and the sunday before onite! the mass shopping spree to far east for onite costumes :P
I LOVE MR03 (:
and now for a drastic mood change. I was reading through my old blog entries just now, from the start of the year, and boy am I glad this blog doesn't have a link to my archives, haha.
such a tumultous past. it seemed like I was making emo entries every three days or something. and you know what the best part is? I tried to remember what exactly it was that I was emoing about but I couldn't rmb, not at all. I got confused along the way. haha(x guess that shows I'm just too emotional for my own good. -.- lol luckily I don't emo every few posts now. well I still do lah, but not as much I guess.
but there was something else that took me by surprise. especially after that day. I'm not obliged to mention what exactly it is here, but what I want to say is this: those were some good times. even if in the end nothing worked out and everything screwed up and I just felt stone cold inside. it was good while it lasted. truly, it was a beautiful thing.
(: what's past is past I guess. it is what it is. I don't think I'm ready. and I realized something else, but I'm gonna keep that a secret. I don't know what it is, right now it's just raw emotion. no frills, no nothing. maybe I just don't want to let go. but I cannot tell anyone about this. it's forbidden and I'm not gonna break the truce.
I'm glad I'm not gonna like anyone now. it's nice having control over my own heart for once.
okay that's it for now I'm going out soon! bye guys!
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