I have this nasty feeling that tmr is gonna suck. I get the feeling that something horrible's gonna happen and it's gonna mess up my entire week. or maybe I'd just think of something new to completely depress myself with.
gosh I make it sound like I purposely come up with stuff to depress myself? well it's not intentional. damn it. it's either because shit happens or because my mood suddenly plummets down the effing drain and into the sewers for no reason at all. well of course there's a reason, but I don't wanna disclose it here la.
anyway since tmr is gonna be sucky, I might as well use up the last of my highness tonight. seems I can't though. something's bothering me. anyway I went out with my family and my relatives today. to marina bay. quite awesome.
if the world was ending and I could survive, and choose less than 50 people to survive along with me, I'd choose them, without a doubt. family, relatives, friends. and that special someone.
anyway here's some wacky pics.. then I've got something else to say, then I'm gonna pack my bag for tmr, then I'm gonna turn in.
I feel bad. wasn't really productive this weekend. even though I did manage to spend my time meaningfully, with the people i love. (: which isn't often actually. but still.
stupid bro didn't know how to take a bloody picture. this was a failed attempt at a candid picture. you should try acting bimbotic some day. more so if you're a guy! xD it's damn fun! you get exasperated looks from strangers and looks that screammm "I WANNA SLAP YOUR FACE BITCH" haha and it's funny, i don't know why.
another failed attempt! this time we were actually trying to look nice. but suddenly everyone whipped out their phones and aimed them at us so we were like you know having a random glamorous papparazzi-hounded kind of moment there. I got distracted though, there was a hot guy nearby :D hahaa no lah there were these two policemen who kept staring at us. we were being damn loud lah everyone was freaking high
that's food, btw. that thing I'm biting. it's not like a random ball thing. ooh! SUCK THOSE BALLS YAW HUAHUAHUAHUAHUA
kay now to get something off my chest. well not exactly. whatever.
I ain't never felt like this before. the more I keep it in the harder it is to deny its presence. it's so overpowering I feel like I can't stop nature from taking its course but then again I can't just come on out and say it all just like that. I can't say I love you just because you want me to say it to you. I do, I love you more than anything, and I swear you're the only guy I see, but if I say it to you face to face, I'm gonna have to really mean it, cos I don't wanna get your hopes high up and crash them back down because I know that sucks. I love you. I just. if anything's going to happen I need to love you more than I do right now. and how could I love you more than I do now, if I don't know who the real you is? how can I love you if you just don't talk to me. I wish you would. it's not like we can't click you know.
I'm not crazyyyyyyy, I'm just struck by love. he's just the most flawless guy that I've ever met and I don't even know why. he is beautiful, in more ways than one.
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