stuck in reverse;
you know what, it's true what lisa said- guys ARE worse than girls when they're pms-ing. hey I've been pms-y this whole past week, and possibly the coming week too. at least I don't shoot the whole world down just because my hormonal levels are imbalanced or but girls have their shortcomings too.. like being oversensitive over frivolous issues. I was just kidding around with this friend of mine, this girl. cos she said she wanted to be a glamorous tai-tai when she grows up. she was kidding too, so I kid-ed along! and I said she got no hope, cos no one wants her. then she really took offence ehh. 0.o like erhh, relax ah! it was a JOKE! do I look like the kind of person who says that kind of thing to your face randomly and actually means it?
sigh. guess there are some things you can do around girls, but not around boys, and other things you can do around boys, but not around girls? like you can't talk about lingerie with boys, orrrrrrrr change in a classroom with boys around. duh. but at the same time there are certain things you can't say to a girl, that you can say with a guy.
like um I dunno, joke around and tell them they're not pretty, even if they are pretty? I DON'T KNOW. :S and I'm supposed to be a girl.. wahahaha joke ah. I mean if you jokingly tell a guy he's repulsive, he probably won't take offence, even if he's not exactly a dead ringer for paul walker or something... but if you jokingly tell a girl she's ugly, even if it is a little true... then there'll be an awkward silence after that and the atmosphere dies down or something.
pretty annoying, but ugh whatever.
got two jokes to share with yall tday! you might or might not have heard them but anyway ENJOY haha I DON'T THINK YOU WILL BUT DAYMN THAT'S THE POINT, TO MAKE YOU GO 'OHMYGOD LAMEASS T.T'
1. tomato A and tomato B were running. then tomato A slowed down but tomato B continued going at the same pace. so what did tomato A say to tomato B?
you go ahead, I'll KETCHUP
2. what did sushi A say to sushi B?
WASABI! (wassup, B!)
I wanna tell someone the joke about the buttered corn ): that one must see people's reactions.. FARNIE. i told polly heehee. hmm anyone know what I'm talking about?? :D :D :D that one, and the one engs and dan told t'rueloveskiss on onite or something hahaha, they're both sick jokes.
mm some random camwhore pics.. friday, after trng for napfa! with polly and joanna. haha YEAH we're HARDCORE man, we actually TRAIN for that blasted test. T.T
haha. ain't that just the sweetest thanggggggg. hahaha 'scuse me lah, I was too tired to think straight.
... okay I'm kidding. >.>
RIGHT, I'm off to do econs now, bye (:
PS I'm so proud of myself :D finally finished reading most of my notes.. MOST. not all :D but it's still an accomplishment. heh.
PS I'm so proud of myself :D finally finished reading most of my notes.. MOST. not all :D but it's still an accomplishment. heh.
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