ANW! oooooh I'm damn happy now. (: just got back from pasir ris park! cycling with a few friends. I'm not allowed to say any names. tell you why later.
but anyway I haven't cycled since like class chalet last year? hahaha. yup. so like today, was the first time this year :D and I'm quite happy with myself. I made everyone swear at me for going too fast :D haha kidding. sorry guys xP
but NOBODY WANTED TO RACE AH D: not even when we were going down the slope, which is quite easy actually. oh well. guess my cousins are still the best for racing :D
yea that's all I gotta say, for everything else, a picture speaks a thousand words :D but they're all solo pics, cos I'm not allowed to tell you guys who came. T.T so shy for whatttttt &there are only a few pcs, cos post solo pics not veh fun. I took more with them. haha.
no idea what I was doing. just popped into my head to take a picture like that. oh I think I was trying to act shy. since I'm supposed to be 'shy santriani' innit. haha x)
haha ACT CUTE. although I really don't need to act lah..... xD xD xD
oh one more thing, if you don't have a tapz card and wanna go play arcade when you're at downtown east, FORGET IT. it's such a ripoff. really. I only managed to play one game when I bought my tapz card?! it was FIVE BUCKS! 5.35, actually... DDR. honest. not that I was any good at it. I kena game over on my second song hahaha
I wouldn't normally be so stingy with my money, but I need my money orh this week T.T now I'm only left with 4 bucks for 4 days. I'm sure I'll survive with one buck a day. I need to ask my mum for more money.
yea. now for the FUNNEST PART! see the reason why I can't tell you who came, is actually pretty lame. my friends made a lot of sick jokes, and I MEANNNN sick, sick like wah #$*&!$%^! how could you think of thattttt, so they're like very embarrassed. I think. I dunno lah, they just told me 'no names' cos I said I wanted to put it up on my blog
sick convo #1
I need to get out of pervert mode, it's damn hot ah I'm dying.
(the WEATHER was hot. I know, what's that gotta do with anything. doesn't it actually sound like being in perv mode makes her hot? :D)
sick convo #2
what do you get when you have sex in the pasir ris playground?
(you won't get it if you weren't from rg. think TEACHER.)
sick convo #3
i like pressing things
(in particular...?)
sick convo #4
can I have a wedgie?
(that was me. I meant to say WEDGE. you know, potato wedge. we were eating at kopitiam.)
sick convo #5
we have balls, and wedgies.
and seed.
and egg.
and cucumber.
and tomato!
.....what, like white sauce?
(balls- pearls, bubble tea. seed- SESAME seed, burger. cucumber- WHATS A WHOLE UNSLICED CUCUMBER LOOK LIKE? tomato- it's round like a ball. white sauce- mayo!)
sick convo #6
-everyone munching-
-everyone stops and stares-
HAHAHAHA why you laugh until like that?
cos I'm eating cucumber... the cucumber's got white sauce on it. and I'm eating it!
(I think, if your too innocent, you won't get it. aww.)
sick convo #7
-stirs bubble tea, starts giggling uncontrollably-
I can't find my balls
-other friend takes bubble tea-
-gives it back-
sick convo #8
friend: ani you've got white stuff dripping all over you! hahaha
me: eh that's sick!
friend: ohhh so now we know what you did last night!
me:'s not mine.
(I was eating icecream. and it was melting in my hands and dripping all over me)
YEA.. life is tough when you have sicko friends. xD I love them anws :D
alright! gtg (:
ohyeah. SUF! thanks man you tkcr too.
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