horrible because I was out the whole day (explanations unnecessary) and therefore didn't have any time to mug, unless you count four straight hours of math tuition? in which I slugged through tutorial 7. and I am just about to concede defeat. I've spent all my mugging time from thursday till today on math and I don't think it's gonna even help me get a B. please just let me pass. I will be discontent and then I will piss myself off so fiercely I will sit down at my desk and burn a hole through the bloody chair blazing through all my tutorials and tuition worksheets. I swear I will. not that I have much of a choice either. I haven't been working hard enough.
screw that. by the end of next week, I will have used up so much brainpower my brain will be shrivelled like the driest of the driest of the driest prunes.
...ohmigod I really don't wanna fail cts. even though it's only 15%. that lil bit still counts! but realistically speaking at this rate I'm gonna flunk history and econs (when have I ever passed this freaking thing). so it's up to lit and math to salvage the remains of my dignity! AGH.
alright. to put my mind of things... and to get yours off stressing too much about cts! here's a few jokes me and my bro came up with today. haha. see if it will help. though if you know me and my 'jokes' it'll probably worsen any headaches you currently have. :D
why does superman wear tights?
because he has a big 'S'.
why doesn't osama like to read batman comics?
because gotham city got ham.
why did batman change his name when he migrated to las vegas?
because he wanted to be known as BETman.
why the gamemaster scold the chicken which cheated?
because the chicken played fowl.
why did the americans drop a bomb on hiroshima?
because tokyo has ultraman.
what did the mat say when he visited macau?
HAHAHAHAHAHA AINT I JUST AWESOME 8D 8D 8D haha okay I'll admit the last two ones were crap cos I was running out of ideas, but everything else was HILARIOUS RIGHT :D
haha okay I'll stop tormenting you. a few more pics before I do some john donne and then collapse.

OH. right I almost forgot, everyone who responded about the last post, thank you (: well I haven't made my decision as yet. I still have to think about it. but the answer's pretty clear to me now. almost everyone told me the same thing.. you know what, let's leave this until after cts. until then, I won't be talking face-to-face to either of them. but yea thanks friends (: i love you guys alright? ^^ nights..
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