come to think of it right, so were all the days before today, since the last time I blogged. but obviously i can't rmb everything that happened so let's just say the parts which I can rmb. which are obviously the parts that matter the most. :D
1. monday: lunch with 1c people! well not all of 1c. in fact not even half of 1c, but they're still 1c people, so. kris chermaine qiwen xin tian victor pollyna vanessa me (: we had lunch at pizza hut at j8. took damn long for everyone to decide on the best student's meal to buy, the waitress was laughing at us. i think she was trying not to be so obvious about it though. anyway everyone was so full of crap! ESPECIALLY when we played truth or truth hurhur (MY idea :D)
2. still monday: shopping spree with cousins! :D hahaha. kaknur spent like 130bucks in total, she would've spent 110 i think, on 4 blouses and 3 skirts or sth, but she bought me a dress cos I said I liked it (: I just got myself a crop jacket. yep. then we went to repair maya's phone and dinner-ed at far east and bought brownies at dhoby xchange (: WOWZ. first of all the brownies were AWESOME, second THE COMPANY WAS EVEN MORE AWESOME! and third, what's third? oh yeah third! I like my dress! :D I LOVE MY COUSINS (: (: (: (: (:
3. yesterday: you can guess what I did after school. every single koolklankid on the planet knew it was BEN&JERRY'S FREE CONE DAY yesterday :D :D :D haha no I'm kidding, I din't even know until polly told me? xD went to greatworldcity with yuhan polly diwei qiany. i lined up three times, heh :D after the second time we went to sit and slack around somewhere, and GUESS WHAT, hurhur, we played TRUTH or TRUTH again (: it was DAMNED HILARIOUS xD but I can't say anything here cos i already promised over my alevels and my marriage and career prospects, and I promised again today, not over anything, but over preserving qiany's reputation. 'reputation'. can only say one thing: QIANY TRAUMATISED ME D: hahaha no lah qiany don't go red if you're reading this hahahaha I'm kidding (: (: (:
4. today: AYE ASSEMBLY WAS AWESOME! :D :D :D it was the nokia school invasion tour or something, and the muttons (of 987 fame) were there to you know, promote the speak good english movement xD but most importantly WEST GRAND BOULEVARD & THE FIRE FIGHT came to school to give a ROCKING GOOD PERFORMANCEEEEE :D :D :D screw all you people who left early, yall damn unfun one eh D: anyway YEH I'm so gonna drag someone along with me to watch them at far east on fridayyyyyy. wgb I mean, the fire fight, I'm not so sure about their next gig.
only about 1/4 of the hall was left after a while. bloody rj noobs. hurhur :D (kidding!) anyway everyone went to mosh after a while. it wasn't like a whole mass of bodies so squashed together like everyone was almost grinding (like at the mcr gig i guess), I mean duh, there was ample space to go around, but the bands really ROCKED OUT lah (: (: (:
was supposed to lunch with chermaine afters, but we ended up just parking our bags in the canteen, and then scooting over to the nokia bus (: I swear I wasn't even hoping to catch anyone (okay maybe just abit) but like 2 minutes after we came, both bands came to the bus with all their equipment and everything and WOOH what else is a girl I supposed to do? oh i'm sorry, a fangirl, supposed to do? ask to take pics orh! here you go...
kay it doesn't sound that funny. but it was, in real life! joshua's damn cute.
well I don't think they're as well-known as west grand boulevard! I think they're newer? I'm not sure, cos I know they had a gig at baybeats last year, I wish I could've gone D: but I really hope they'll get more recognition :D they're really good lahhh (: i love their music. :D
5. today again! skipped my math tuition to go for mcs interview + drama rehearsals. I didnt have to be there for rehearsals, and actually me and faizin planned to leave after the interview but we ended up sticking around until 5pm to watch the cast rehearse and for faizin to help out with props. I finished one whole tub of pringles watching them. :P
thing is uh, drama production is like on 10 may, which is like, a day after my class camp. which means I won't be able to go for fulldress on 8/9may ):
6. which brings me to my next topic! classcamp! hm. im not actually looking forward to it, truth be told. :S if I knew that things were gonna be different during and after class camp, and the class wouldn't be so clearly divided, I'd be more psyched about it. but I'm not. ): because I don't think anything will change. yea. but we'll see. i wish we could just be more united. and you know, not leave some people out. other classes are like so ra-ra about their class and we're like T.T i know it's not our fault cos it can't be helped i guess, but i still wish we could come together as a class. and you know, not be in our respective halves. to put it frankly. eek.
that said, I still love my class, and everyone in it. (: i just don't like the seatie (I'm trying to be subtle here, am i succeeding, I can't tell. think history.) i'd much rather have someone else D: seatie sucks!!!
we'll see what happens at class camp. some people say it doesn't help. others say it does. so maybe it depends on the class itself. i hope it'll help!! I don't like the idea of mutually exclusive cliques :/
7. is my og dying?? ): I hope nottttt! i feel quite guilty because I haven't been going to my og table in the mornings cos I have problems getting up earlier than 6am. which is actually late. cos by the time i get on the bus it's 7am already. but yea. darn I miss my og ): I miss having an outing like the sentosa outing one! that was DAMNED fun, even though I only came in the evening, but still D: I hope we won't die.... it's too soon! ):
8. LIFE IS GOOD. (: i don't have to be tied down to that one person any more. i can spread my wings! I'M LIKE A BIRD, I'M GONNA FLY AWAY, like nelly furtado says it. that said, I wish I could find a guy that I could just connect with just like that, like -snapsfingers- ohwell. I'll wait.
9. my brain is aching. ): i hate wednesdays. have to spend the whole day at ri! besides econs lecture in lt2 and assembly, usually at mph. urgh. no break some more eh. it's gp-math-econs-elit-econslecture-assembly, NO BREAK D: D: D:
10. still gotta mug some more! or maybe I'll just go to the kitchen and drink from my MUG (: ..............okay I'm sorry, I'll go now. I still need to bathe. I'm still in my sch u, hee. BYE!
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