\since we're such awkward bedfellows
Monday, March 31, 2008
at least it gives me comfort to know that I really put in effort for the stuff that I did do, and i'm proud of how neat and wonderful it is. just that I don't think I'll be so proud of the content D: ACK. step by step lah kay?
I think I am getting the hang of JC life. little by little. I mean I more or less suck at pretty much everything except for GP and lit right now. but I am putting in a lot of effort into everything else. makes me shine with pride when I finally staple my maths tutorial together, after spending dunno how long on it, or when I look at my econs tutorial and think, wow, I actually put so much thought into it, how did that happen?? or when I read teacher's comments for my term essays, shit marks or no shit marks, and it says, 'a serious effort'.
WOOH. I'M SO PROUD OF MYSELF :D putting in the effort is like half the battle won, isn't it? and then the other half is learning how to study smart, exam smart, eat sleep shit whatever smart, all that crap.
yaye. I'm damn happy with myself. I thank God secfour was horrible. if secfour wasn't horrible, J1 would have been a completely shitworthy experience so far. and I thank God I survived secfour with more dignity than I started out with :D
except that now, i need to get even tougher with myself. that means!
1. no more messing around. weekends = catchuponWORK time, not catchuponEAT/SLEEP/SLACK time. weeknights = do HMK, no HMK?! catchuponWORK! no work to catch up on?! NO SUCH THING, go and slap yourself D:
2. hmk-ed weeknights: online, status busy, ignore convos I don't need to have. sleep by 2am!
3. catchuponWORK-ed weeknights: online, status away, ignore convos with people I don't like. or don't care about. (hee) sleep by 12, latest 1am.
4. blogger: already cut down, now only blog when I'm bored and need a rest, or really have something to say. friendster: who the heck cares. absolutely NO signing in to friendster on hmk-ed weeknights. facebook: WHO CARES. my facebook is like halfdead. youtube: NO going on youtube on weeknights except to listen to songs
5. self-imposed curfew: (SHIT this is the saddest part D:) 6pm every day for every day except wednesdays & fridays, unless got something on
I'll think of more as I go along. I think I'll have to put those 5 stuffs up on a list in my room if I want it to make a difference. YEP.
I feel so type-A-fied. if you know what I mean. but I really need to buck up. I can't afford to slack. I mean you guys can, but you're not going for the lit trip to uk, for two whole weeks of the june hols! that means two less weeks to mug and shit like that. not that I'm not happy going, but I CAN'T FUCKING SCREW UP MY CTS?!
because! I will not be the person I was before sec4 eoys last year. I refuse to be that horrible idiot. that stupid bitch is like dead, she's like in a grave, somewhere in limbo, and I won't even look back because I don't want to, because I don't need to, because I sure as hell don't have to.
a lot of things in my life have been circumstantial so far. which kinda sucks, but I'm damn lucky that things happened that way. I'm only in RJ b/c I was in rg, if I wasn't in rg, I would've gotten 12-13 points, and gone to some other jc. I was only in rg, cos I appealed and they let me in because one of my family members was from a raffles school. if not I'd be in mgs. honest.
's why I think o-levellers pwnzx. they're not fakers like most of us in rj. D: but it's okay we don't have to think about that. what's important is As! As for the As will really prove that we're type-A straight-A students worthy of being in type-A schools for type-A straight-A muggers! WOO.
AHHHH DAMN LATE READY, I WANNA GO SNORE. BYE (I don't actually snore, I swear over my dead body, but you know.)
Sunday, March 30, 2008
cos I fell in love with the girl at the rock show
she said what, and I told her that I didn't know
she's so cool, gonna sneak in through her window
everything's better when she's around,
I can't wait till her parents go out of town,
kay so pretty much, the only thing I have to say is, GOING TO THE GYM PWNZXZX. haha honestly though, it beats running on the track or doing jumps up and down the specs gal or something, any time. hehe. I went with yuhan, joanna, polly, wenqiang and di wei on friday.
ran 2.4 on the treadmill haha. I'll admit it's easier on the treadmill, but hey it still counts. and I didn't know working out at the gym was so fun. so many funky machines to try out haha. not like I tried any of them besides the treadmill, the cycling thing, the rowing thing, and the sit-ups bench? but yea they looked fun :D
oh but I knocked my head on the sit-ups bench thing, don't ask me why. I've got one humongous baluku on my forehead now, it hurts when I touch it. D:
so after we were done with everything, we went to amk hub to drink. everyone else got bubble tea, and I got a caramel frappe, from macs! and we all sat down and macs and talked crap until the cows came home.
haha secrets came out and dirt was dished and dirty jokes were made and pinky-promises were made. I laughed so hard my tummy hurt and I couldn't breathe. honestly, I couldn't even pause for breath when I wanted to stop laughing. HAHAHA.
okay, the dirty jokes thing was mostly my fault. cos I saw the dude who used to be the fishball company boss on living with lydia, and now he does MRT commercials against terrorism (?!?! I wonder if they'll do something about mas selamat next. I WANNA WATCH.) and it made me think of how he'd advertise his fishballs.
'my balls are big, round, succulent and TASTY. mmmmmm come buy billy bong's balls NOW!'
and the other sick joke.. well it's too embarrassing to put up here :D involves someone else too.
me yuhan and polly were in the lift on friday after gp, and then this whole group of guys came in and then despite the fact that there was enough space in the lift for all of them not to be squished like sardines, they all squished into one corner and started MOANING.
MOANING?! like...MOANING LAH! like how you moan when you're having a pleasurable time :D
and then they started talking.like this.
hahaha yuhan was DYING. and me and polly were laughing our asses off. they didn't care. which is good, cos I was trying so hard not to laugh because DUH, I didn't even know these stupid people, but I lost it when that dude said his cock was too big.
they didn't seem to care that there were girls in the lift. 0.o
I wonder if the guys would laugh too if there had been three guys in the lift and a whole bunch of girls stepped in and squished against each other and started moaning and going like "OH SHIT I'M SORRY, MY BOOBS TOO DAMN BIG LIAO."
we'd prolly get reported to the principal for indecency or something? O.O ayeeee gender discrimination T_T oh well it's not like any girl would ever do that. haha.
ALRIGHT GOTS TA GO! havent finished econs tutorial BYEEEEEEEEEEEEE SUCKAZX
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
feels like I've been saying it more and more lately, and I don't know if that's true, so if you know me well enough and are not just like some random person reading this and if you think I've been saying it more and more too, please just give me a tight slap, the way you'd do a bitch who stole your boyfriend from you.
.. no I don't really mean that, I'm just being spiteful. anyway. I know I've been feeling more and more like a piece of shit lately. it feels like nothing's going right. like nothing's going the way I want it to, whether it's school, boys, my parents, friends outside of school, girl friends, guy friends, whatever.
I've been telling myself that I'm just overreacting again. that everyone has the same problems, and that I just take it too hardly, but I don't know whether that's true or not. because when i think about it, when shit happens in my life, a whole shitload of shit happens at once. then it bogs me down like a whole lot, and then for a while life is good, then shit happens again.
maybe I'm just being a spoilt brat and complaining about my life when really there's really nothing that's that depressing going on in it, compared to other people I guess, (oh how I want to beg to differ, but I know I can't)
I'm so confused I don't even understand what I'm talking about, i don't expect you to either.
but just because my life isn't that bad compared to some other people's lives doesn't mean I'm completely unentitled to feeling like a piece of shit sometimes, eh?
so let's forget about all the should-I-be-feeling-shitty crap and just do the life-stinks-because-shit-happens crap.
school isn't entirely that bad. i suppose for the start of the year, I'm doing okay. but see okay's not enough! I feel like if I don't do better than average now I'm gonna fail my a-levels or something. which is a scary thought. ...and my math honestly sucks dick. $#^&!*^$# it didn't use to be this bad, i don't know what happened! I seriously need to buck up for math D: ..and econs. but I'm more scared about math. everything else is just alright. and i need to maintain it. if not improve it. T.T well at least bit by bit the growing eye bags are paying off. (: but it's not enough. D: anyway I'm lucky I have math tuition now haha.
BOYS! ho. sensitive issue. the only reason why it's boyS and not boY, is because. well. basically everything's a mess. an idiot I can't get rid of, someone I completely hate and abhor, a shitload of people I don't even know that well, a few seriously disillusioned acquaintances, and a really nice guy I have no intention whatsoever of losing his friendship but friends just ain't gonna fly with him, but the most frustratinggggggggggggggggg thing in the world is that I don't want any of it, I only want three special words from a special someone, and don't get me wrong, everything's fine in that department, but it's just that HOW COME A MILLION AND ONE PEOPLE CAN SAY THE RIGHT THING, and ONE IN A MILLION can't? it doesn't make sense ):
my parents... well. I'm getting along just fine with mum. but it's dad that gets on my nerves sometimes. he's lucky I'm a girl, if I were a guy, I'd be just like him and lose my temper a lot. cos the things he says sometimes are like really pissifying. I've just gotten used to it, I think. like it's easier to shut my ears off when he says stuff like that, rather than listen and get bloody friggin pissed and try so hard not to show it, but fail anyways, and have him scream at me even louder for not looking like a scared lil sucker when he scolds me
I hate this post.
I don't even wanna talk about friends outside of school. ): I've only got a problem with one of em, and she's not even my friend anyways, the only reason I know her is that I know her name. which is hardly a reason to call someone your friend, so I shouldn't really have any reason to be pissed because of some shit that she did. but I don't care, it's not fair, it's precisely because she's not my friend that she did that shit, she doesn't even know me dammit. D:
I know I'm going to regret saying too much later. but I don't really care right now.
D: why's life gotta be so tough. I wish when shit happens to me, it wont happen like in droves. does a whole lot for my mood, you know? I can't really stop when I start feeling like a piece of shit.
Monday, March 24, 2008
.. I LOVE BEING A JOBLESS STUDENT. dont need to pay for anything (: heehee
alright pictures. you know me! what else did I do besides.. CAMWHORE! (disclaimer: REALLY REALLY SWEATY FACES. :x)
stalkerazzi picture?! taken by my bro. we were going down the escalator, then he was like 'one more shot! okay one more! last one! LASTTTT one!' I feel like slapping my face here D:
YEAHHH. yesterday was awesome lah. you know that's like the 4th time I've been to sentosa this year, in like about 4 months? but I'll never tire of that place. I need to take the simulator ride next! it's even more awesome than the stupid science center ones, those aren't awesome at all. you just scream because you paid for the ticket, so diedie must enjoy.
anw today was hawt. because the sun was feeling HAWT, hot like a hotwheelsracingcar, then later in the evening it pee-ed on us all. guess it was holding a lot of pee in over the weekend. went to j8 with the usual people for lunch. pastamania. I ate kfc though.
and then wenqiang diwei yuhan polly me went to play guitar hero3. HEHE. I havent played that game for so long, cos my xbox is spoilttttt D: ohwell. at least my skills weren't that rusty. I GOT A HIGH SCORE :D :D :D hahaha I can't rmb for what song, I played a couple. I know my high score was like 3 times more than the high score before me HAHAHA. I should play with my cousins. I'd get trashed worse than a rubbish bin D:
I MISS MY BLOODY XBOX LAH SEY. it's been spoilt since end dec hols last year D: hm actually I don't miss my xbox, I miss trashing my bro at guitar hero3 and tony hawk project8 :D he trashes me too lah, duh, cos he's like full of rubbish. he pwns me at all the shooter games thingums. like halo3 and wtv.
ALRIGHT. must be guai. I'll go read my lecture notes now. sad life. BYE.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
moving ON! this weekend has been quite sucky so far. but I'm lucky I have awesome friends to get me through it! anddddd it's not the first time either.. it's time I CREDIT my friends for being just that.. FRIENDS! [[[:
polly, thankyouuu for replying so fast, and for that last sms which was super SWEET(: yeh man I love you, you're such a MARVELOUS person! :D
anthea, thanks a bunch for giving me your advice, it counts alot! and for being able to tell that something's wrong straightaway, LOVE YOU BABE! haha (:
joel, OHMAN you loaded bozo. (: what you said was absolutely true. I never thought of it that way, prolly cos I never think that deeply about it, but it was a refreshing change. it really made me come to a decision and that's realllllly important cos now, I know what to do about it! YEA you basically put things into perspective for me. THANKS MAN. [[: oh yea, lucks with ___ (:
syazwan, YOU... I know we havent talked a lot lately, and I've been missing so much that goes on in your life, but I can't thank you enough for all the times you've been honest with me and told me what you really think. I can't ask a lot of people to do that, but you're one of them, and I really treasure you as a friend :D
nas, BRUDDER! UIKS! STOP FLOODING MY TAGBOARD LAH STUPID. two words: MSN & CENSORSHIP. alright?! hahaha. you're so dumb but I love you anyways my dear dear friend. FRIEND, you know, FRIEND. kau jangan nak prasan pulak eh. kalau hensem tu satu hal ahh.. (x but seriously though, you always know when to stop and that's what's great about you(: the hypocrite thing made a lot of sense. made me laugh. and i needed that(: THANKS again friend[:
Friday, March 21, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
D: but my brain is really tired la walao. ): been tired since after math lecture. urgh.
but you know what msn is boring la. it's failing to keep me alive and awake. D: or maybe it's just me.
I have to blog about OG OUTING NOW (: although it's highly overdue. but I have to blog about it! because it's important. (x
anw we went to esplanade, like I said before I think, and we just basically slacked ard for a while inside the esplanade shopping mall place, before we got really bored and went to the memorial place there to play frisbee, what else? then me and anthea got really bored. so I asked her to follow me to raffles place to buy food.
but enghow had to leave): cts were coming what. ): life is tough. anw we just went to eat at food junction. and some of us were too mugger for our own good, brought like chem notes and bio notes and lit notes and shit like that. AWESOME AH WE.
but YAYE, albert and yi ning came! miss them a lottttttt. ): and it didnt really matter that we didn't do something more exciting, actually. because the company was AWESOME! ((((((: I LOVE MY OG! havent I said that? whatever I'll say it again :D
pictures ah... alamak I lazy to upload lah. anw I only got 2 pics. with anthea and yi ning. you know why, cos we were slacking. then I was damn bored. and I camwhore when I'm bored, so. yeah. then after that I wasn't bored, so I didn't take any more pictures orhhhhhhh.
you know what, so much for camwhoring more with the people i love. it doesn't seem to be working. maybe I just always miss kodak moments..
YEAH. so that's for og outing. hee. moving on!
.. I'm not even gonna talk about today. pe was D:, that's all anyone needs to know.
OHYEAH. I GOT A NEW CRUSH :D he's uberhot, I just can't stand it. (x that's why I'm sitting down now. manohman he's fine like fine sugar man. here he is!
...I told you he's hot. -beams- CHRIS CROCKERRRRRRR. you know his name shd be like chris cocker. cos he's damn cocked up (x he was in meet the spartans! yup, same dude who cried for britney, yeah BRITNEY.
you know why BIRDS of a feather flock tgt? because they're COCK-ed up! xD get it get it! like britney and chris are both cocked up what.
why suddenly got so many capslock phrases ah. I thought I'm supposed to be brain-dead tonight. haha. WELL. apparently not. and I didn't even have caffeine. to think that I was wailing for it just two hours ago. 0.o
dead brains work in mysterious ways..
like I've been coming up with a lame-ass joke each day since term 2 started. then every day also got drastic mood swings. like honestly SUPER drastic. like one minute I'm lmao. then the next I just feel like going one corner, sit and emo by myself. I dunno why.
...okay I know why. but still doesnt explain such drastic mood swings. ):
you know what, I exactly what I'm high on tonight. and it's definitely not caffeine, it's way better (:
GEE! alright I gtg byeee
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
just look into my eyes
because the heart never lies.
tell me I'm the only one. )_:
Monday, March 17, 2008
HONK if you're HORNy.
I feel so... loved. (: as in, just that I think I'm surrounded by really nice people now. in general. who're really very sweet. so yea I'm quite happy with my life right now. I think my life is sweet now. haha xD really though. it is.hmm today first day of school.. I shan't be blogging as frequently now that school's reopened. mum says I've been online way too much for my own good, and quite frankly she's right. though I wouldn't say momma knows best.. all the time. (;
it's funny though. during the hols I was like SHIT, I wanna go back to school. life is damn boring can. but this morning when my dad was sending me back to school I kinda felt like I wanted him to turn round the car and send me back home. cos I don't wanna go back to school cos school is such a dragggggg.
well not all the time. but you know, the lessons part of it is hahaha. (x
you know what, I was just thinking. how come people tend to objectify certain types of people? as in like classify them as a certain type of person lah, haha. like you know the bimbos, the players, that sort of thing. it's not like it's unjustified most of the time, and I'm not saying I don't do it either. but it's just that. well. wouldn't life be nicer if everyone thought of everyone else as unique individuals?
haha I know it's a very politically correct thing to say, but I do believe that there's something special about everyone. no matter how corny it may sound. xD honestly though, if you look closely enough, it's true. it takes a certain type of person to be able to see the xfactor in everyone, and I wish I could be like that.
life would just be way more fulfilling than it is now. I mean it's better than like giving someone a once-over and putting them into a certain category without a second thought.
LOL. why 'm I suddenly being so deep -_- haha (x
ohyeah I haven't blogged about og outing have I? xD ahh I shall blog about it some other time.. now I wanna talk about my dad.
MY DAD! is an awesome man. don't get me wrong. he's really awesomely freaking good at what he does, and I'm so so proud of him for that.
but I just don't like it when he gets pissed. in fact it I really hate it. it's like when he's pissed he flings insults at everyone under the sun. I mean I've only ever heard him use the f-word on a guy once, but you don't have to use the f-word sometimes to hurt a person what.
it's insane. he has this uncanny ability to know exactly what to say to make you feel like the foulest piece of trash on the face of the earth, for all the times you've convinced yourself you're good. it's not exactly the things he says either, it's how he says it. like he means every single syllable.
you know he doesn't, that that's just his anger speaking, but somehow it just gets to you. because you know you're not what he's calling you, but you can't say anything to defend yourself. when he gets mad, he thinks no one in the whole wide world has a right to be pissed other than him. all hell breaks loose if you try and speak up for yourself.
he needs anger management, even my mum says it, cos she feels the sting sometimes too. but it's different for her than for me, you know? because like that's like the man she loves, unconditionally, come what may, you know all that pizzazz. she can accept him for who he is.
I'm not saying that I don't love my dad unconditionally, which daughter doesn't? and I realize that I may sound like an ungrateful bitch when I say this, but I wish he'd just change that part of him, and I'd love him even more.
I don't know, maybe it takes time, maybe it's only because I'm sixteen, maybe it's because of all the shit that's happened in the last two years between me and daddy dearest, maybe it's even the stupid (cliched as it might be) generation gap, but.. I wish I could understand the way my dad thinks sometimes. like try as I might, I can't, sometimes. it's not like we're on polar opposites, but. I can't. I can't understand how he can come to certain conclusions despite having so little evidence.
eek. this scares me, thinking of my dad like this. lol.
I guess I could learn to accept the flaws in his personality, though. this is my dad, I have to anyways. it's part of being a good girl! :D
geez.. good girl. wth. alright I'll stop now. got some more errands to run, for mum, for my bro, for myself. :D bye (:
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
1. eeeeeeee I'm so god damn pissedddd. sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee makes my blood boil. GOD. :x I hate the sound of her voice. FUCK. she thinks she can just stand there and make me lose my guts. MY ASS she can. I don't believe herrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. :xxx fuck her.
2. wtf my mum's been nagging me non-stop. I HATE IT. she isn't helping, at ALL. as if that stupid bitch hadn't gone and ruined my day enough wtf. the best part is that she's been asking me the SAME question for the last TWENTY minutes, and I'm like "didn't I already tell you?!?!"
3. I WANT MY OWN GOD DAMN ROOM. so I can lock the door, and lock out people like my bro, who is annoying the PANTS offa me right now, and so I can blast music and not hear a word of what's going on beyond my room, and come out when I'm not seethingggggggggggggggggg
4. being pissed isn't the most awful thing in the world. you know what is? being pissed, and missing you. ): alright, I'm probably overexaggerating. but this SUCKS DICK alright.
5. THAT ASIDE. wenqiang's bday celebs!
one of maybe four or five camwhore pics we took at dhoby ghaut.
joanna, yu han and I were the only ones who came besides wenqiang, of course. I overslept and came like an hour late. (x and when I came. they were playing para2 at ezone. lol. I tried it out for the very first time today, in my life. I SUCK AT IT. hehe xD I took a video of wenqiang playing, but I'm too lazy to upload it, it's in my phone. he dances like an orchestra conductor! but he's damn stiff (x
anyhow. after that, it was lunch time! and at first we wanted to go eat at sushi tei. bec yu han loves jap food, joanna didn't mind, wenqiang didn't mind either, and I have never tried sushi before, in my entire life. well yea I did, in indonesia. I got diarrhoea for an entire week. but that's probably because it's indonesia, so. xP
then it was too ex, so we sneaked back out and went over to harbourfront to eat at breeks cafe! where the service tax is :O and the GST is D: but it was yummy! I think someone doesn't at breeks doesn't like me though. first they gave everyone cutlery except for me, then they gave me my hazelnut drink without a spoon to eat the whipped cream, then they took frickin long to give me my PASTA. ): aye I was dying of hunger.
THEN it was off to kbox! YEA. first time there, too. wenqiang and yu han tried to get away with ordering vodka without showing any identification. no such luck, lol.
mum wanted me back home by 6, so I had to leave early and not have dinner with them. then I slept on the bus and I missed my stop and only woke up at the interchange. T_T
when I got home... someone pissed me off. haha. someone I don't even know that well in real life. it's honestly quite stupid. she said I was stuckup?! and whole bunch of other things. which she fucking doesn't have a right to say, because she's NEVER talked to me in reality before, EVER?!!!!
life is tough and I hate it. sometimes. I HATE IT A WHOLE LOT, today. :x
Thursday, March 13, 2008
I heard CNA gave august rush THREE stars out of FIVE stars. according to the woman called melanie olivero or something. this is the part where I COMPLAIN. so if you don't wanna read, just scroll down :D
she said it was because robin williams' performance wasn't stellar, and because there were too many loopholes in it. AIYOH.
I can't say anything about robin williams, because yea he didn't really give an awesome performance. he could have made his character less one-dimensional, even if the plot didn't really give any room for it.
but the loopholes in the plot, in my opinion at least, are EXACTLY what makes august rush an awesomeeee movie! might sound weird, but it's true! I don't know, it's like magic, how everything just comes together so nicely, just like music can be magic sometimes. you know?! I bet you don't. I bet you think I'm just talking cock here. ): I tried telling my friends about it, but they just look at me blankly, like 'what the hell are you talking about, girl?! are you insane??'
I KNOW what I'm talking about! it's not a rubbish movie. I don't care WHAT melanie oliveoil has to say. HMPH! it's a soul connection kind of movie. which is hard to come by. it's beautifulllllllll! like a real-life fairytale, if that makes sense. YES IT DOES! just ask vanessa carlton. she'll tell you! (nevermind if you don't get it. T_T she did a song called nolita fairytale.)
that aside, the rest of today was quite productive. well the main part of the rest of the day, anyways.
i went to woodlands library and sat down and mugged again for four hours straight. I haven't tried going at it longer. I know it's chicken feet for some people, but it honestly bores me to death. I'll get so fricking restless I won't be able to concentrate.
it's probably something that I should change sooner or later. I'm just not up to it yet.
YET. I promise I will be. before common tests in july.
yuppp and then I went to meet my friend at novena, supposedly to go buy cupcakes, but woe is me, the cupcake shop was closed D_: so I was like, 'ECK, but i'm still hungryyyy' so we decided to go to taka! because taka has those little shops in the basement. which are just awesome for quick filling bites.
only there was so much stuff to buy I bought too much stuff and that became my dinner. haha. I got like a 5-inch prata sausage from gogo frank(s?), that japanese bread thing with red bean inside, and the bread's in the shape of a fish, and one crispy curry puff, and two scoops of ice cream from venezia-- hazelnut chip anddd belgium chocolate? with caramel sauce topping if i'm not wrong. oh and to top it all off a caramel iceblended from coffee bean. small size though.
(....yeaaaaa, I love caramel. >.> so I realize.)
HOLY MACARONI! I just realized I blew so much money. and I'm beyond stuffed. eh GET IT?! I bought so much STUFF that I'm STUFFed right now!
damn, am I GOOD at jokes, or WHAT?! HAH!
and then she had to go off somewhere so after we finished talking nonsense and smearing our mouths with chilli sauce and mayo and bits of currypuff filling, I had to head home on my own ):
and I did some serious thinking on the way home. which inevitably made me emo. well kind of. as emo as you could get, getting serious about your life.
1. I've been slacking off.
2. I must CLAMP my restless unseated ASS down next term.
3. I must put my heart and soul into doing the things I have to do.
4. I can't be so pessimistic
5. it starts with ME. (: in more ways than one..
lastly... you won't reaaaally get it if you don't know me well enough.
6. just a smile and there's no way back,
can hardly believe it,
there's an angel calling me,
reaching for my heart,
know that I'll be okay now,
cause this time it's real
I don't care if it's diabetic, or if it was meant solely for lovesick 13-year-olds the world over, I feeeeeeeeel this song. ((((((((((((((:
hmm.... in one night, I've said "YOU'LL PULL THROUGH!" to at least four people. ): heyyy cheer up people. it's only MARCH! gosh! it's too earlyyyy in the year to get yourselves down. leave the getting down thing for finals or something! and PASTE a smile on your face! GRIN. when life knocks you down, just get up, dust yourself off, and GRIN even if you have spinach stuck between your two front teeth. it makes a WORLD of difference. even if it's hard.
sigh. I LOVE YOU GUYS. <3!>
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
SOCCER PWNZX. xD i love the referee at the start of the vid. him, and the naked purple-scarfed mole rat. he was probably wearing purple for a reason. you know, purple being like the colour of gayness and everything. (:
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
I lost a friend somewhere along the bitterness,
and I would have stayed up with you all night,
had I known how to save a life.
I'd rather we shout our fucking asses off at each other than this.
I could have dealt with that part of you that made you leave without asking me what the hell was going on. I can't deal with the fact that one and a half years wasn't enough for you to trust me. I mean, his judgement weighed way more than anything I'll ever have to say, right?
I mean every single one of those italicized words, and if I know you well enough, you'll figure out your answer on your own.
I don't know you and I don't want to.
it's like 9:25am in the morning. I'm going out soon. gonna meet my cousin! to go get my phone from wisma atria and then to ps to get the dumb mp3 repaired and then she's gonna treat me to swensens! :D ARE YOU JEALOUS!? haha (x damn, LG- life's good.
oh right, if you didn't know, my phone was spoilt. couldn't press a few buttons. ...the sugababes would be so disappointed.
if you really like me boy,
you gotta PUSH THE BUTTON and let me know,
before I get the wrong idea and leave!
HAHA. (x yup so I sent to the sony ericsson service ctr at wisma. so today I'm getting back! but all my msges will be gone)))): and all my contacts! because my sim card was full after I saved a few messages. so yeah life is tough.
yesterday was pretty boring. okay, very. until I left the house without telling my mum where I was going. hee. cheap thrill. I don't get what the big deal is. I was only out for 4hours, and I was back well within my curfew. plus I bought food for my bro on the way back! HOW SWEET AM I:D haha. even though I did go to tampines. hah. which is like on the other side of the world. I had to pick something up from there. at least I dint get grounded though. that would suck. because today I'm supposed to go out, and friday too, and saturday too!
I CAN'T WAIT FOR SATURDAY-- og outing! :D to esplanadeeee. my favouritest place in the whole city. I just love it. it's like the perfect lepak spot. um lepak means slack. I gotta rush there after french class :D yeh awesomeee.
You Are a Frappacino |
![]() At your worst, you are: childish and over indulgent You drink coffee when: you're craving something sweet Your caffeine addiction level: low |
rightyos gtg bye!
Sunday, March 9, 2008
HEY. it's the second time I'm blogging today but I don't give a shit!AUGUST RUSH! IS AWWEEEEEESOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. wahhhhhhhhh LAOOOO ehy. :O
oh it's a movie if you didn't know. it's a FREAKING AWESOME WUNNERFUL SHITASS GOOD movie. I can safely say it's the best movie I've ever seen, forget about titanic. (which btw I don't get why people can cry when they watch it, erh oops? honest, so jack dies, AW POOR BABY. so?)
it's about this orphaned musical genius. who's on his journey of discovery. he gets to go to juilliard (which if you didn't know either, is a shitass good music school, it's like college-level) and he's like one tiny twelve-year-old in a sea of um, maybe, 20sths? and he composes this AWESOME track that he calls august rhapsody in c major, and he gets to have the New York Philharmonic Orchestra perform it for him at central park in front of like thousands of people, and the best part is that he CONDUCTS the bloody orchestra. oh yeah and he finds his mum too, she's like this juilliard graduate who became an awesome solo celloist, but lost her groove or sth like that. YEAH.
it's NOT as lame as it sounds! I swear, I wouldn't anyhow say a movie is damn bloody good if I didn't think it was damn bloody good. most of the time I just think good movies are cool. but this one's DAMN, cool!
it's got a nice soundtrack too! got nominated for like an academy award for one of its songs. EH you know what's the best part? I went to pee during the part of the movie when that nominated song was playing. ?!?!?!?! and I NEVER go to pee during movies! UGH! this sucks balls. ):
anw here it is, it's called, raise it up, apparently. that eleven-year-old singing is super cute. haha. plus she's obviously a shit ass good singer.
yup! black gospel music's not really my thing most of the time, but I like it when they perform it for american idol (: it's like WOOH. and I liked the black gospel in pursuit of happyness and white christmas (duh, because chris brown is so freaking awesome)
the plot's actually quite.. cool. or pathetic, depending on the kind of person you are. I THINK it's COOL. (: cos like there's loads of coincidences. but you know it ties in with the whole movie. cos the whole movie's about like how music brings the whole world together. so in that sense the music literally brings the kid, the mum and the mum's long-lost boyfriend (ie the kid's father) together.
ahh you gotta see it to believe it, TRUST ME when I say it's damn good.
jonathan rhys-myers is in it. he's not as hot (okay fine, sexy.) in this movie as he was in bend it like beckham and mi3? but he can actually sing. as in his voice is not bad. cannot win american idol lah but good anyways. PLUS there's this one scene where he's playing with the kid and he's really into the music, and.. he looks damn sexy hahahahhahaha
I don't like talking about guys like this. like saying their sexy. >.> I don't know, I think sexy is for girls. and guys... are... HOT! even if guys like wentworth miller are sexy but not hot. i think calling sexy guys sexy is just gross, even if they are sexy. 0.o
YEA! oh and freddie highmore, charlie from that willy wonka movie, he's playing the kid, did I mention that? he's awesomely cute, I think he's gonna grow up to be a hottie, and if I were a girl his age, I'd be like WHOAH FREDDIE'S SO CUTE!! OMGEE -fans self- FREDDIE BE MY BOYFRIEND! (because girls his age don't talk about marrying what)
eh super long eh. hahahaha YES, GO WATCH IT.
AUGUST RUSH, because it pwnzxzxzxzxzxzxzx. I said so (:
damn, I'm super bored right now. it's like 10:27am and I'm already up ): cos my parents don't like me sleeping past 830 on weekends. say I'll end up being a lazybum when I grow up. JOKE AH.
sigh. haven't been up to much these past few days. since school closed. on friday went out with kris and polly and chermaine, to ps to watch MEET THE SPARTANS! :D it's damn hilarious, haha. &the girl who acts as paris hilton looks like ashley tisdale.
anyhow the next movie I need to watch is STEP UP 2! channing tatum is like. not hot la. but if I were a lesbian I would so crush on the girl. the main actress. no idea what her name is. she just looks hot in the movie poster. haha
and then... yesterday spent the day out! to french class in the morning, and then to the IT fair at suntec convention centre. dad bought a new camera! and a new selphy photo printer or something. quite a good buy I guess. cheap enough. but now he has a new camera! his old one's not gonna be used!
SO! i'm hoping he'll give it to me. haha. it's quite old I think, but it's not horrible. it's still a functioning digicam with the basic functions and everything. I just want something else to camwhore with other than my phone :x it's got like 180something pictures worth of camwhoring, camwhoring with friends, camwhoring with cousins, and ummmmmm random other pictures. xD
and then I met up with joel and cheryl at marina square! what the hell we do? hm. we sat at gloria jean's coffees and watched the world go by. someone sitting near us had HORRIBLE HORRIBLE HORRIBLE BO. honest! the moment he sat down, it was like a tsunami of stenchwaves came down on our noses. (hey if they can have soundwaves and lightwaves I can say stenchwaves too.) we choked down our drinks and left. LOL. nah we didn't choke them down. we just kept laughing and wrinkling our noses.
actually WHY didn't we sit at starbucks instead?? got nicer chairs! and people who sit at starbucks are hardly ever stinky right. 0.o
anyhow then we bought andersen's ice cream! haha I asked for caramel sauce topping and she gave it, but it was like this puddle of warm brown liquid on my ice cream. and then joel distracted me when I was about to eat it, it was only for 5 seconds! but when I looked back at my cone the caramel had all melted into the ice cream. like there was this sunken hole in the middle of the ice cream. -_____-"
thenthenthen! we went to esplanade! just for fun. esplanade's nice to hang around. oh and daphne khoo was performing. she was quite okay la. sounded like she needed more publicity for her album. which was out in december. 0.o
yup! actually you know what. I'm just waiting for 2pm today :D I'm going to sentosaaaaaaaaaaaaa wooo (: with my family and a few of my cousins. I can't waittttttttttt :D
ALRIGHT. I've got nothing more to say. bye.
Friday, March 7, 2008
they can be such insufferable egomaniacs one instant. all "whoah I'm hot stuff, and you know it" and shit like that. the vibes you get when you walk past guys like that. it's like, horrendously horrifyingly disgustingly delusional. like they expect you to crush on them by virtue of the fact that they're so damn hot. like "stare at me! stare at me some more! I don't mind, because I know you like me." pukepuke.
and then the next moment when they get egos crushed they're like, "damn she's the bitchiest bitch I've ever known, what a friggin slut!" when the girl never so much as told him she liked him. they're all "HOW COULD SHE?! I thought she liked me!" just because he thinks he OWNS her heart because she smiles when he looks at her!
HOHO. joke's on you, my friend. I'm not guilty. I was being a realist. My head was just where it should be. but YOUR head was full of hot air, maybe halfway into the stratosphere, AIRhead (:
gosh I enjoy doing this. it's strangely vindictive. although I really am being a bitch by doing it. aren't I? considering the circumstances..... no, actually. I don't know, whatever.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
didn't I tell you?
colbie callait. how awesome is she? I'm probably the slowest person on earth, but I just realized how awesome she is. she's awesome! kay I think you get the point, but still. she's awesome lah!she's got a voice that's hard to come by, it's kinda like sleepy and velvety at the same time. and she's fat! but it's because she's fat that she's beautiful! you know? the way jordin sparks is beautiful too. although I wouldn't say the same about mariah carey...
I'm probably stretching it abit too far by saying that colbie's fat, huh? alright, she's not fat. she's just comparatively fatter than most artistes. like you know, cassie, amerie. all those stick figures. I like fat singers! they're PHat! :D PLUS! plus-sized figures come with plus-sized voices!
and...... when the really plus-sized ones sing.... everything jiggles. well, only when they sing bouncy catchy songs lah. like RESPECT. (find out what it means to me!) it's fun you know, cos yea, ISN'T IT FUNNY WHEN YOU GET A LITTLE MORE OF WHAT YOU SET OUT FOR.
like britney spears' performance at the VMAs. not like I watched it, but I saw pics. nasty! ewh.
sigh, britney britney. she used to be the popstar didnt she. I was just watching old videos of her on youtube. seems like the most recent nice song she made was uhm everytime back in 04. ha! that song's got memories to it man. haha. sec1 was so damn screwed lol.
I spent the whole day out today. went out at noon and came back at like 930pm. you wna know why! I spent my whole afternoon at woodlands library. mugging! MUGGING! yeh go me! and I only had like two toilet breaks in between. I actually managed to sit my ass down and do something productive for more than 3 hours, on the FIRST day of the hols! HAH.
lol damn I feel so accomplished now. but actually all I got done was maths tutorial 4 (minus those questions we haven't been taught how to do yet la) and act1 of othello. haha doesn't seem like much. drawing graphs is really very sian though. ):
and I saw shawn! the person from inotstupid! haha he was sitting right beside me, with his girl. lol. both mugger lah sey. they look quite sweet tgt.
yup. I cawhored today. :D but the pics are quite embarassing, cos they're all stupid poses. wtv lah xD
one last thing. dumb conversation #34895632489754:
"eh yea, they're always together eh."
"yea! eh dyou think they're together?"
xD xD xD
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
today wasn't a bad day. it just ended on a really, really, really. bad note. fuggin screwed up. )_:first up, I bumped into someone on the way home. let's just say someone who's found himself a place in my heart. (frickin lame. but true.) fuck this. we were almost together, until of course things fucked up. he got pissed at me, because he thought I lied to him about not seeing anyone else, when why the fuck I would want to see someone else if I've got him, I don't KNOW. and then, go figure. he pissed me off in return, and we basically have not talked ever since.
and it frickin hurts, because he was the first I ever liked out of the goodness of his heart. haha. guess I was a pretty bad judge of character huh. as in, when you like someone because of himself, and not because of what he makes himself out to be, you get really attached to that person right? and even if things can't ever return to the way they were, I still wish we could just put it all in the past and just be friends, because I really value his friendship. I mean just because we stay friends after all that shit, doesn't mean we have to restart anything, RIGHT?! what a friggin idiot. ):
apparently some people can't forget. which is what made me so pissed. I don't know, you might not understand. I don't really care.
and the drama doesn't end there! when I got home, mum was in a fricking bad mood. you can't put two people with thunderstorms brewing over their heads in the same roof without a fight happening right? well that's exactly what happened. she got pissed because I left my stuff all over my bed when I came home, and because I ate in my room. haha. and I couldn't care less, because honestly who cares about being all prim and proper when the only thing you wanna do is screammmm your frickin ass off and throw a tantrum like the spoilt bitch that you are, just because your day was bad.
I feel quite bad for screaming at my mum like that. I don't normally do that. haha. but today was different. I've been having really drastic mood swings lately, so when I got pissed, I really got pissed. haha. and you know when you're pissed, you don't really think before you say or do stuff. so yea. I feel quite bad.
but at the same time, I still don't think my mum had any right to just start berating me the moment she stepped into the house. that's exactly what she did. it's kind of annoying. okay, VERY. -_-
alright, I gtg. bye.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
today was a short day, because friday timetable ends at like 1205. nevertheless I ended up collapsing on my bed the moment I got home and I got changed. haha. the THINGS you do to make humongous eye bags disappear! ): haha nah I'm kidding, I really was tired. haven't been getting enough sleep lately. so I slept like from 4pm to 8pm. haha. nice. although my head hurt after I woke up.
anyhow I was just reading some people's blogs. and it kinda struck me how naive some people are. it's like they're so naive I don't know whether to be emphatic and take pity on them or raise an eyebrow and ask myself why they're not sufficiently jaded, the way a normal 17yearold-to-be should be. I mean if you're turning 17 this year you should have like at least 4 years worth of teenage experiences to go and figure out that people aren't kind to you all the time. like they could be kind to you, but behind your backs say something else about you.
I don't know, maybe it's just that I think that because my 4 years at that blasted school were plagued with so much bitchiness, other people's 4 years of teendom were full of nasty backstabbing 'friends' too. when it might not necessarily be the case. in which case they'd be either downright lucky or downright unlucky, for not discovering the state of the world sooner in their lives.
LIFE IS TOUGH. people can be bitches. deal with it. I've never really encountered anyone who went like "oh geez! I didn't expect people to be so mean!" or something along the lines of that. it's weird. you go like, "of course. people ARE mean. fact of life. lol." or sth.
fact remains that not everyone's mean though. haha. it's sad in the sense that when someone you totally dint expect to be mean to you, does something so damn hurtful to you, you tend to wonder who the hell you can trust in the world. and it seems like you can't trust anyone. but at least when you get better and you put it in your past you know that there's people you really can trust in the world. who'd be there for you no matter what. it feels nice. but at the same time you kinda wish you could trust everyone too. you can't, though.
aiyo. this is gonna sound random, but I wish pandora never opened that box. figuratively speaking. why couldn't she have just left it alone? I'd prefer life as a bed of roses. I can deal with the thorns myself. I wish there weren't some things in life you can't do anything about. :
alright, been there done that.
hm. I I think a lot of people I know are having their birthdays in march. which of course means that I'll have to be selective about who I buy presents for. haha. (x like, I'll buy like a tiny keychain for some people and like ginormous (I still don't know how to spell that word. I know supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, but I STILL don't know ginormous.) teddy bears for other people. omgee, SO sorry?
I'm only partially kidding though.
seems to me that I should be less... frank. when I give people my honest opinion. honestly! (HAHA.) but see, if I'm not frank to the point of "owch that hurt. couldn't you have put it nicer?" then it's not gonna be my HONEST opinion anymore right! hahaha.
just seems that lately I've been putting people off when I say things to them. haha. like um. aiyo. I can't give examples without exposing people's secrets haha. OH! right! I can! cos like, lately, a lot of guys have gone for haircuts, then most of them look pretty awful in the new ones. and I think I've told most of them they look gross in their new haircuts. get the same reaction every time. it's damn amusing, actually. it's like, "ehh!!" then there's a dumbfounded expression. then it changes to like "okay shit. I so did not expect that. but okay fine, geeeeeez." kinda expression hahaha.
...or maybe I just know too many vain guys. anyhow guys shouldn't be vain right. I thought guys are supposed to be like the opposite of girls. like all "oh look at me I'm so macho, I don't need to care about how I look man." that kind of thing. haha. (x
the example wasn't actually good, but uhm. yea I can't say exactly how I've been so frank without giving away stuff about people. which isn't very nice. because I promised, already! and breaking promises is a baddddddd baddddddd thing.
HO! but if you're reading this, and if I've been too frank with you about stuff, and if you were annoyed, haha I'm sorry. honestly. I just... have been this way since sec3? or something. I know I didn't use to be so frank. haha. whatever. but YEA! sorry!
gtg. it's midnight plus 10 minutes! tmr got econs test sia I'm damn scared. even though it's not counted. in rg it used to be like "aiya, formative. heck la! never study also can." but in rj, it's quite important I think, cos it's one of the few exam-format practices that we get, like before july cts. 0.o
Sunday, March 2, 2008
.. you won't get it if you're not malay I think. oops? xD
sigh so yesterday was damned fun hahaha :D french class was awesomeeeee cos joel is really mad, mad like siao, mad like JOEL MADDEN :D
he's so damn NONSENSE. maybe he like drank too much coffee before class or something. lol. I know he did drink coffee. or was that steven? hm. .... HMM. I think it was steven.
anyway, first I was putting on my crop jacket, then he asked, 'eh santriani, did you buy your jacket at half price?' cos it's like half the length of a normal jacket -_-
then he said something in chinese, and he couldn't pronounce it properly, and it was damn funny I think, cos all the guys were laughing like hell. and I wasn't. so joel was like, 'oh santriani doesn't get it.' haha (x ya think?! and he ended up calling me a pig's backside. )_:
&joel's a fricking gaytard, hahaha (x I didn't bring this paper so joel said i could share it with him. then he told steven to go away and move one seat down. then steven was like 'why me? why not HIM?!' (which sounded gay too, come to think of it.) and then joel was like 'are you a MAN?! will you let a lady SIT?!' and steven was like 'FINE'. then afters I went back to my seat. then steven didn't wanna move back, so joel was like, 'aww honey I'll make it up to you, let's kiss and make up!'
ERK! what is it with some guys and acting gay huh. it's just... GAY! makes me get goosebumps. and not in a good way. I used to think it was like an ri thing. because I don't know, seems like there's a lot of ri guys who either act gay or are gay. haha. but apparently not . look at this:
haha they're not gay, and if they ever read this, they'll castrate me or something, but haha whatever. neither of them are from ri, so there goes the ri=gay theory. although it might still be partially true, you know. :D
but you know when I show this to my friends. the pic I mean. it's in my phone. most of the time their reaction is the same.
me: eh I show you something. damn funny.
friend: m.
me: -shows pic-
friend: -blink, stare-
me: it's damn gayyyyyyyyyy
friend: huh? OH! eh I thought they were a damn sweet couple eh! I was thinking what's so funny about this?
me: HUH?! HAHAHA. you mean you thought one's a girl?
friend: yea..
me: which one?
friend: the one wearing WHITE!.............. it's seriously veh gay orh.
hahaha. (:
kay lah. that's all I can think of saying. I need to pee and I need to do my maths tutorial. BYE.