hello! :D :D :D today was ROCKINGGGGGGGG (: in every sense of the word.
come to think of it right, so were all the days before today, since the last time I blogged. but obviously i can't rmb everything that happened so let's just say the parts which I can rmb. which are obviously the parts that matter the most. :D
1. monday: lunch with 1c people! well not all of 1c. in fact not even half of 1c, but they're still 1c people, so. kris chermaine qiwen xin tian victor pollyna vanessa me (: we had lunch at pizza hut at j8. took damn long for everyone to decide on the best student's meal to buy, the waitress was laughing at us. i think she was trying not to be so obvious about it though. anyway everyone was so full of crap! ESPECIALLY when we played truth or truth hurhur (MY idea :D)
2. still monday: shopping spree with cousins! :D hahaha. kaknur spent like 130bucks in total, she would've spent 110 i think, on 4 blouses and 3 skirts or sth, but she bought me a dress cos I said I liked it (: I just got myself a crop jacket. yep. then we went to repair maya's phone and dinner-ed at far east and bought brownies at dhoby xchange (: WOWZ. first of all the brownies were AWESOME, second THE COMPANY WAS EVEN MORE AWESOME! and third, what's third? oh yeah third! I like my dress! :D I LOVE MY COUSINS (: (: (: (: (:
3. yesterday: you can guess what I did after school. every single koolklankid on the planet knew it was BEN&JERRY'S FREE CONE DAY yesterday :D :D :D haha no I'm kidding, I din't even know until polly told me? xD went to greatworldcity with yuhan polly diwei qiany. i lined up three times, heh :D after the second time we went to sit and slack around somewhere, and GUESS WHAT, hurhur, we played TRUTH or TRUTH again (: it was DAMNED HILARIOUS xD but I can't say anything here cos i already promised over my alevels and my marriage and career prospects, and I promised again today, not over anything, but over preserving qiany's reputation. 'reputation'. can only say one thing: QIANY TRAUMATISED ME D: hahaha no lah qiany don't go red if you're reading this hahahaha I'm kidding (: (: (:
4. today: AYE ASSEMBLY WAS AWESOME! :D :D :D it was the nokia school invasion tour or something, and the muttons (of 987 fame) were there to you know, promote the speak good english movement xD but most importantly WEST GRAND BOULEVARD & THE FIRE FIGHT came to school to give a ROCKING GOOD PERFORMANCEEEEE :D :D :D screw all you people who left early, yall damn unfun one eh D: anyway YEH I'm so gonna drag someone along with me to watch them at far east on fridayyyyyy. wgb I mean, the fire fight, I'm not so sure about their next gig.
only about 1/4 of the hall was left after a while. bloody rj noobs. hurhur :D (kidding!) anyway everyone went to mosh after a while. it wasn't like a whole mass of bodies so squashed together like everyone was almost grinding (like at the mcr gig i guess), I mean duh, there was ample space to go around, but the bands really ROCKED OUT lah (: (: (:
was supposed to lunch with chermaine afters, but we ended up just parking our bags in the canteen, and then scooting over to the nokia bus (: I swear I wasn't even hoping to catch anyone (okay maybe just abit) but like 2 minutes after we came, both bands came to the bus with all their equipment and everything and WOOH what else is a girl I supposed to do? oh i'm sorry, a fangirl, supposed to do? ask to take pics orh! here you go...
bryan from wgb! syed from wgb! ... I don't know his name D: but don't you think he looks like auyong. abit! just a bit! or maybe it's just the specs... :P
the fire fight! the frontman dude's really nice. I only asked to take a picture with him and he roped in the whole band :D and he's damn cute! lol. this guy called talib was talking the picture and he was damn noob cos he didnt know how to take picture with my phone (?! hahaha) and i think the frontman dude (i think his name is joshua, I'm not sure) misheard him and he suddenly came really close to me and i was like :O! and talib was like 'no lah I meant...' (i didn't hear) and joshua was like oh sorry2 i thought you meant hurhur :D
kay it doesn't sound that funny. but it was, in real life! joshua's damn cute.
well I don't think they're as well-known as west grand boulevard! I think they're newer? I'm not sure, cos I know they had a gig at baybeats last year, I wish I could've gone D: but I really hope they'll get more recognition :D they're really good lahhh (: i love their music. :D
5. today again! skipped my math tuition to go for mcs interview + drama rehearsals. I didnt have to be there for rehearsals, and actually me and faizin planned to leave after the interview but we ended up sticking around until 5pm to watch the cast rehearse and for faizin to help out with props. I finished one whole tub of pringles watching them. :P
thing is uh, drama production is like on 10 may, which is like, a day after my class camp. which means I won't be able to go for fulldress on 8/9may ):
6. which brings me to my next topic! classcamp! hm. im not actually looking forward to it, truth be told. :S if I knew that things were gonna be different during and after class camp, and the class wouldn't be so clearly divided, I'd be more psyched about it. but I'm not. ): because I don't think anything will change. yea. but we'll see. i wish we could just be more united. and you know, not leave some people out. other classes are like so ra-ra about their class and we're like T.T i know it's not our fault cos it can't be helped i guess, but i still wish we could come together as a class. and you know, not be in our respective halves. to put it frankly. eek.
that said, I still love my class, and everyone in it. (: i just don't like the seatie (I'm trying to be subtle here, am i succeeding, I can't tell. think history.) i'd much rather have someone else D: seatie sucks!!!
we'll see what happens at class camp. some people say it doesn't help. others say it does. so maybe it depends on the class itself. i hope it'll help!! I don't like the idea of mutually exclusive cliques :/
7. is my og dying?? ): I hope nottttt! i feel quite guilty because I haven't been going to my og table in the mornings cos I have problems getting up earlier than 6am. which is actually late. cos by the time i get on the bus it's 7am already. but yea. darn I miss my og ): I miss having an outing like the sentosa outing one! that was DAMNED fun, even though I only came in the evening, but still D: I hope we won't die.... it's too soon! ):
8. LIFE IS GOOD. (: i don't have to be tied down to that one person any more. i can spread my wings! I'M LIKE A BIRD, I'M GONNA FLY AWAY, like nelly furtado says it. that said, I wish I could find a guy that I could just connect with just like that, like -snapsfingers- ohwell. I'll wait.
9. my brain is aching. ): i hate wednesdays. have to spend the whole day at ri! besides econs lecture in lt2 and assembly, usually at mph. urgh. no break some more eh. it's gp-math-econs-elit-econslecture-assembly, NO BREAK D: D: D:
10. still gotta mug some more! or maybe I'll just go to the kitchen and drink from my MUG (: ..............okay I'm sorry, I'll go now. I still need to bathe. I'm still in my sch u, hee. BYE!
so I was just thinking--at 3am on a sunday, no less--about. stuff. i don't really know what to call it. just read on, i'm sure you'll know what i mean afters.
this whole weekend, has been. different. well it has to do with the fact that I let someone go. picture it this way. the dude had a hold of my heart. won't say he was in complete control of it, but he was more or less in control of it. and then he screwed up big time, so now he doesn't have control over it. he does, to a certain extent, but not as much. i just feel liberated. yeah. that's what i meant.
anyway. I met a couple of new people over the weekend. i won't say make friends, because well, I'm never gonna see any of them again in my life, and if I do, I doubt I'll remember their faces.
but well, these people were like, different from most of the people that I come into contact with, in school. they're just way more relaxed, and I find that I feel completely at ease with them than I do with most people at school. as in, it's a different kind of relaxed, like I don't have to worry about what comes next, what's around the corner,
okay to put it frankly, because I really can't think of how not to put it frankly, i like these people better than i like most people in school. no offence to all rafflesians. I mean you guys are great, especially everyone I'm close with, honestly, you guys are tremendously good at the things you do, and you definitely are really good friends. (: but frankly I just feel more at ease with these people than I do with people in school.
maybe it has something to do with school also, because it's hard to feel relaxed in school, especially in rj, and I have to admit this, I've never felt so encouraged to be a mugger and spend all my time mugging my brains out in the library. but anyway, they're a different type of people.
they're a different kind of people, like I can talk to them, and not have to put anything on. oh god, as in, I don't have to pretend to be anything. I can just be myself around them. which I don't really get, either, because I don't really know who the real 'myself' is. I just know I feel completely relaxed with them.
it's a great feeling. and one strange thing--they were all boys. as in, the people that I met. we just somehow ended up talking, you know, no strings attached, just for fun. and it was quite nice talking to them like that. they don't worry about things like oh gosh, what are my friends gonna say if they see me talking to a random girl. basically they don't even worry about people jumping to conclusions when they get close to a girl, who's just a friend. really nothing more than that. just a friend.
I know there're some people like that in rj, but well, I just find more of them outside of school. and I can completely fit in with them. which is great! cos i hate it when I talk to a guy, and the guy's so completely self-conscious. keeps glancing around everywhere, but at me. I mean I'm talking to you, hello! you're not talking to your surroundings, are you! and after a while I figure it out it's because they'd rather be anywhere than be seen sitting close to a girl, alone, for no apparent reason, after school. it's damned irritating. i'm sorry. but it is!
for the love of god, I'm just trying to be friends. sheeeesh.. anyway if I wanted to flirt around with like a million different random guys I wouldn't look for them in rj. :P oops?
HAHA just kidding. well partially. okay not at all actually. once again oops?
hello! :D got nothing much to say.. except that this weekend has been really explosive :D not least because of yesterday :D okay
1. you know what I hate about being close with guys sometimes? it's the fact that guys who are nice and who you can click with and who you just can be close with without worrying about anything else, can have like immature stupid annoying friends who go like "PHWOAH ___ who's THAT! eh STOP FLIRTING LA...you like her ah! YOU LIKE HER?!" wahhhh I tell you I really feel like punching their faces or something. I mean all I was doing was talking to the guy and then these people jump in anyhow say things like that. EHK! TOLONGLAH. ada otak tu pakai skit boleh takk???
2. WOOH i think i like boys better than girls sometimes. SOMETIMES. when I just wanna go totally crazy. most girls can't go crazy the way guys go crazy. lmao. thing is that sometimes when you see a guy you like, as in, not OMGCRUSHZX like, but as a friend, like, you can't just strike up a conversation with him the way you can when you see a girl you like, cos then people will jump to conclusions. and think all sorts of totally warped wrong things. which is embarrassing. but frustrating.
3. i realise I sound damned superficial last post. hahaha. I mean the guy was cute, and he talked to me first! so what was I supposed to do?? :D haha okay lah no it didnt really that happen that way. he just asked me how to play then we continued from there lorh. ala but he was just cute la. nothing special.
4. FARRIS! EHY DAMN HOT PLEASE?! (i prolly just voided the last comment but wtv)
5. THANK YOU JOEL TANG! your advice is INVALUABLE. (: seriously. think you're the only one i know who's mature enough to say something like that, that makes so much sense but people like me don't realize it at all at this age?? wowz. honest. haha i didnt get to thank you cus you rushed off before I could say thanks. NICEGUY. (:
6. so many fish in the sea! but there's only room for one. i'm sure it's the same for other girls too. (: WOWZ. i think i'll wait. for that special connection. that special touch. that one-of-a-kind feeling. the one i'll love with all my heart.
7. YES! life is damn exciting. it feels good not having to restrict myself to one person all the time only to find out it was all for naught. :D damn that actually sounds like a bitchy thing to say but aye it's true. he was NOT worth the pain AT ALL. bloody asshole
8. I hope my history term essay is gonna pwnz all (: dun even know if Im using the word pwnz correctly but who the hell cares. I put a lot of thought into it. feels like I went through brain gym just working out how to argue my points correctly. I hope I get better marks than the last time. in fact I want 17 again! HAHAHA :D lol I hope I willllll. if I don't then ohwell, better luck next time, I'll just keep on learning until I get it right. WOOH.
11. how come this whole post has been centred around boys..........aiyoh. I seriously didn't plan it this way. aiyoh. D: motherf__er! hur. let's say something girly. um. um. PINK AND FLUFFY CAREBEAR! .......I've totally got to run like 10 rounds tmr, omg, i mean i had ONE FRENCH FRY TODAY! OMG!
12. long live NAPOLEON DYNAMITE (this is totally random. whatever.)
i don't know why I'm still harbouring hopes, cos it's a losing battle. i can feel the flame fast burning out, but i wish it would've just extinguished itself the moment i heard you say those words. you cut deep. i just dont want to show it because i've got my pride, i cant believe i fell for someone like you. in hindsight, maybe i was just being in love with the feeling of love. doesn't explain why i cared so freaking much about you though. i aint never felt so worried about a guy before. and it just ain't fair. why does it always have to happen this way? it felt so right at first, and then it put me right up there on cloud 9 along with the rest of the lovestruck population in the world, and then it just totally crashed, and now what? am i supposed to just forget about you like that? throw it all away, eradicate it from my memory, like it never happened at all?
it's like avril said, all of our memories so close to me, just fade away, all this time you were pretending, so much for my happy ending.
I was out the whole morning + afternoon today, cool beans huh. had french class and then was out with my family. sort of like an outing kinda thing. and i'm going out again later, to my gramma's hse if I'm not wrong. don't ask me how I'm gonna do my bloody ihist term paper alright T.T
so I was playing guitar hero at wisma, at the sony center on the 4th floor. and then while I was playing this hothothot angmoh guy came up to me and said like "hey, you're gooooood." and I was about to say thanks and then i realised he was damn hot, like DAMN EFFING HOT. like model hot! :D wahahahhaa
then after that this cute malay dude played and then he sucked because it was his first time and we spent like a good 20 minutes hogging the ps3 and taking turns to play and laughing at him, cos he really sucked orh. hahaha. I didn't even get his name, I realize. but he was wearing grey contacts. cute.
...knowing how to play guitar hero can come in real handy :D hahahaha
it just won't do to sit around moping all day simply because one guy broke my heart and walked all over it, so I decided I'd cheer myself up!
HUAHUA. it's bloody gay I know but it cheered me up somehow! like YEH MAN life is great! I swear the baby's laugh still hasn't changed a bit since I was in p1. but lala's no longer my fave. I like PO!
then ah! I met nas at starbucks today! haha at first it was damn boring cos we were both like T.T cos yeah life is tough for us both. then after finishing the coffee and everything we got damn high and GUESS WHAT HAHAHA we flirted around, me with the barista who was like quite hot, and him with some random girl. i tell you that guy has no skills at all man. i think he was trying to give her some seductive look or something but he only looked constipated ah hahaha poor girl was so freaked out she left without even finishing her drink hahahaha. as for me, i was gonna totally be shameless with the barista dude, like not even bother hiding the fact that i think he's hot, but then after I talked to him he seemed like a really nice guy, unassuming, that kind, so I decided not to. but he was still DAMN HOT LA.
lol flirting is therapeutic that way. serious. if you can't find love or if you're just looking for it in all the wrong places, just stop looking lor, and let it come to you. in other words flirt ahhhhh wahahahaha no i don't mean that. but it helped! today. dunno why. I think I'll regret it tmr morning tho haha.
I LOVE MY FRIENDS?! WOOH! seriously man you guys are the BEST! :D :D :D thanks for all the love and the hugs and the care and concern and the NICE BITCHING SESSIONS, boy did I neeeddd those hahaha. LUBXX EUII WORXZX!!
i think i've been OD-ing on the love. in the romantic sense. 'romantic'. it's gonna be hard, I dunno how I'm gonna pull through, but I'll do it without him. half of me wants me to stay, the other half just wants to kick him in the nuts and punch him till he bleeds. i think I'll just walk away though. freaking asshole. i feel damn stupid for ever having liked him
gonna get some studying done before I go to sleep. wish me luck. i prolly won't last another hour D:
ohh goshhh i can't believe I got myself into this mess again. you know I can barely concentrate on anything right now because all I can think about is how messed up this thing is. I know I should be doing work now, but I don't see what's the point, I stare at the stupid screen and try to think about othello and iago and shit like that, but it doesn't work, i can't keep you out. so I guess I'll take a timeout and just think about this before I do anything. i'm not handing in sub-standard work. fullstop.
you know what the most handy song is right now? numb, linkin park. i can't think of any other song that better explains whatever the heck it is I'm feeling right now. i can't even feel anything, that's the thing.
it isn't bloody fair, dammit. why cant I be allowed to love who I want??? why must I be deprived of the chance to feel what it's like to have someone who fucking cares about you a whole lot? why can't I find someone who cares more about what's inside than what's on the bloody outside, fuck it. whyyy do I always fall hard for the assholes? why must I always be the fucking back-up plan?? better still, why is it always me that fuckers like you choose to play around with and then drop me faster than I can say 'wiener'? whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
that's the fucking problem. why me, dammit. why not them?! if anyone deserves not to have people caring about them it's them, it's not me, what did I ever do to the world?? I'm not a bitch, I've never done anything wrong to any girl before, just because I like to be mean. I've never backstabbed anyone, I've never badmouthed anyone on a whim, I've never scorned another girl just because she doesn't live under the same circumstances as I do. I've never thought I'm better than another girl just because she doesn't have the same things as I do. hell I'm not even a motherfucking bimbo, I never sashayed around swaying my hips and trying to look as demure as possible just to get guys to like me. I'm not like of any of them!! so why is it that it's so hard to find that one idiot that I'd give everything and do anything for?? and they're the ones who're finding partners faster than I can snap my fucking fingers
damn it, I'm not some bitch you can just play around with for fun. I'm not 'yours', I don't belong to anyone! I, belong, to ME. not you. that means I'm not subject to your every desire, I'm not obliged to bend to your will, and I am sooooo not obliged to kiss your ass just because you know something they don't.
I have this nasty feeling that tmr is gonna suck. I get the feeling that something horrible's gonna happen and it's gonna mess up my entire week. or maybe I'd just think of something new to completely depress myself with.
gosh I make it sound like I purposely come up with stuff to depress myself? well it's not intentional. damn it. it's either because shit happens or because my mood suddenly plummets down the effing drain and into the sewers for no reason at all. well of course there's a reason, but I don't wanna disclose it here la.
anyway since tmr is gonna be sucky, I might as well use up the last of my highness tonight. seems I can't though. something's bothering me. anyway I went out with my family and my relatives today. to marina bay. quite awesome.
if the world was ending and I could survive, and choose less than 50 people to survive along with me, I'd choose them, without a doubt. family, relatives, friends. and that special someone.
anyway here's some wacky pics.. then I've got something else to say, then I'm gonna pack my bag for tmr, then I'm gonna turn in.
I feel bad. wasn't really productive this weekend. even though I did manage to spend my time meaningfully, with the people i love. (: which isn't often actually. but still.
stupid bro didn't know how to take a bloody picture. this was a failed attempt at a candid picture. you should try acting bimbotic some day. more so if you're a guy! xD it's damn fun! you get exasperated looks from strangers and looks that screammm "I WANNA SLAP YOUR FACE BITCH" haha and it's funny, i don't know why.
another failed attempt! this time we were actually trying to look nice. but suddenly everyone whipped out their phones and aimed them at us so we were like you know having a random glamorous papparazzi-hounded kind of moment there. I got distracted though, there was a hot guy nearby :D hahaa no lah there were these two policemen who kept staring at us. we were being damn loud lah everyone was freaking high
that's food, btw. that thing I'm biting. it's not like a random ball thing. ooh! SUCK THOSE BALLS YAW HUAHUAHUAHUAHUA
kay now to get something off my chest. well not exactly. whatever.
I ain't never felt like this before. the more I keep it in the harder it is to deny its presence. it's so overpowering I feel like I can't stop nature from taking its course but then again I can't just come on out and say it all just like that. I can't say I love you just because you want me to say it to you. I do, I love you more than anything, and I swear you're the only guy I see, but if I say it to you face to face, I'm gonna have to really mean it, cos I don't wanna get your hopes high up and crash them back down because I know that sucks. I love you. I just. if anything's going to happen I need to love you more than I do right now. and how could I love you more than I do now, if I don't know who the real you is? how can I love you if you just don't talk to me. I wish you would. it's not like we can't click you know.
I'm not crazyyyyyyy, I'm just struck by love. he's just the most flawless guy that I've ever met and I don't even know why. he is beautiful, in more ways than one.
ooooomigosh I really need to control my tongue. :/ seriously, don't know why, I've been talking without thinking too much this year. not in the sense that I swear more than I used to, although that's not entirely wrong. but I mean I only do it when I'm pissed or when I'm pms-y. you know. :P
but the thing is that I just say stuff straight out, like it is, without giving much thought for the repercussions. consequence: it's gotten me into deep shit like about four times this year. all because people misunderstand what I really mean.
then again, it's only gotten me into trouble with 3 girls and 1 guy. so maybe it's a girl thing. forget about the guy. he was just. um. he had issues.
and it's things like "your damn dumbbbbbbb" and "aiya cmi lah you, face like that how to get boyfriend??"...
but i don't really understand why they would choose to think that I genuinely mean what I say.. and these are my friends we're talking about here. whyyyyy innaHECK, would I want to purposely diss my own friends??? hah. I mean if hearing people diss my own friends pisses me off, why the heck would I actually want to do it to them? even if I'm not that close to them...... it just does not make sense. friends are for loving, not for dissing! rightttttt! sigh.
yea, I'm irritated. 's why sometimes it's easier to be friends with a guy than a girl. you know what girls are good for? when you need comforting, you can run to a girlfriend and just pour everything out and hopefully she'll be the right person to go to, so she can say the right stuff to make your regain your sanity or something. guys, they're good for chatting, (sick?)joking, making bets, SUANING! pranking, that kinda stuff. cos they're generally more fun than girls. and some of them, you can go to when you have guy problems and you need a guy's perspective on things. but i guess it doesn't really work if you run to a guy for comfort, like let's say if you had a big fight with your parents or something, and you just feel like kicking the stupid door, and you need someone to tell you it's okay. stuff like that. unless he's your boyfriend. in which case he should be able to do I guess.
but okay fine, since i don't want any more people getting pissed off at me for reasons which I cannot fathom, I'll stop, okay? or at least, minimize it. I can't stop completely. it's like asking frog to stop croaking or something.
woots it's 11:03pm and I just got back from school :D stayed back for guitar concert.. I didn't regret it. it was a nice change from my normal routine for wednesdays. I went for tuition earlier, with the intention of actually leaving earlier since I only need to be around for 2 hours. but maths is just SO interesting, I ended up staying for almost 4 hours. yea. don't I just rock.
anyway my brain was this squishymarooney glob of dried prunish-looking thing after tuition. probably. if I could see what it looked like. but I headed back to school for guitar concert! met victor and to lan along the way, ended up siting with them throughout concert. yep.
and then it was off to dinner with engs + yile + seetoh(?) + yile's friend (forgot her name) + anthea + worm. but everyone had to leave after like a rushed dinner. like we probably spent like 20 minutes max at mac's. OOH MAX, AT MAC'S WAHAHA
feel quite bad about it though, even though engs treated me to dinner :D cos I won a bet. hehe. cos engs pangseh-ed 4 of his friends to dinner with us, and he stayed back 2 hours waiting for us even though he didn't go for guitar concert since he had a match. haha
ya lorh. so that was my day. got a couple more things to say, stuff that I've been thinking about today..
1. my dad is unreasonable. highly unreasonable.
I'm currently not allowed to go for any more concerts of any kind cos my dad doesn't like me being out past 10pm. I really don't get it, you know, what's the big FUSS?! it's not like mas selamat's gonna suddenly jump out of the darkness and grab me by the arm and go like "I WANT YOU" or something like that wtf
and it's not like I always come back past 10????? I think I'm already compromising enough just by adhering to his rules. his stupid freaking rules. it's only once in a blue moon that i get back past 10 and he just completely wigs out on me. like loses it. that's freaking unreasonable lah. i try my best to get home within curfew every day okay. he doesn't even acknowledge it. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR i'm just so pissed right now ):
2. everyone says I should stop, because he's not good for me, because why would I like someone like that? because he's not worth it, whatever. I don't want to stop. I
3. mugging cycle at developing stage. wahah. can't rmb if I blogged yesterday, but I spent like 6 hours in the library mugging history. quite productive. I can actually make sense of the notes now. :D econs: I need tuition, and I need a consultation, and I need to sit down for 6 hours and mug my ass off history: just need to make sense of all the shit in the notes. literature: can't really mug for this, can you, can only practice. I don't think I need to mug that hard for lit anyways. math: okay lah but need more practice generally gp: MY GRADE PLUMMETED FROM A B+ TO A C. A B+ IS ALMOST AN A! what the hell happened ): I still don't get it. pw: not full-force yet. nothing to worry about that much except for pi. which shouldn't be much of a problem. yup.
ohwell at least it's IN MOTION. :D that's gotta count for something right...
4. seems like I have a penchant for saying things that hurt people sometimes. it's funny, and a little bit frustrating, that when I try and spot the kind of people I'd expect to think about all these kind of small2 things, they're the people who usually respond with a "huh haha what the hell you talking about. do I look irritated to you??" kinda look
shall continues some other god damn time. I'm so slepy I'm falling off the bloody chair.
or maybe take a deep breath!
.... nope didn't work out.
WAH #$#(*!&%&$^#($*
1. homework's piling up
lit assignment, history term paper, math tutorial(s), econs assignment, PI, O. M. F. G. some people can still say they're not doing any work ah. what the hell. D:
only started real mugging today. but it's still not in full force as in it doesn't occupy like 70% of my time, and the fucking cts are coming up and I'm still damn blur about stuff
LIKE ECONS. I have no idea what the shit is going on okayyyyyyy, FUCK?! I mean I understand but then i always apply it wrongly WHICH IS WHAT REALLY MATTERS. and it's bloody frustrating because I spend so much time on the fucking tutorial then come to school, teacher go through, I still get everything wrong. okay not everything, but most of it is wrong. WHICH FUCKING SUCKS. I'M SO FUCKING DEAD, I NEED A BLOODY CONSULTATION WITH THE TEACHER, SHIT. cry
and it looks like I won't START full-fledged mugging until two weeks later? cos there's term papers and assignment and whatever shit to wade through. THAT'S LIKE, MAY, FUCKING MAY. MAY + TWO WEEKS JUNE. my mugging time. LAN FREAKING CHEOW?!?!??!?!?! I can't FULL-FLEDGED MUG ON MY BLOODY LITTRIP??!
3. money no enoughhhhhhhhh
alahai. pay for lit tix, guitar tix, rock tix, rafflespetee, topup ezlink card, pay people back. IM GONNA FREAKING STARVE TMR. spare change anyone? ))))))))))))))))))))))))):
4. 1001 billion friends to worry about
so many people, suddenly so emo, all because everyone's fallen for someone. it's quite depressing!! not like I don't emo about someone, but really when everyone emos about everyone else it's the pits. ): people who usually smile and laugh and bring JOY to the world! are damn emo cos the girl/boy they like doesn't know it/doesn't care/doesn't like them back.
few people went through drastic weight loss... cos they're damn stressed... damn bad lah.... it's really a very significant weight loss. and it's all because of As! I'm damn worrieddddddd. ):
there's this person I really really hold dear to my heart, who seems to have lost a certain spark in his eyes. he doesn't show it very often but I know there's something wrong, there's just something different, something's missing. he gets restless more often than usual, and faster than usual. when he laughs his eyes don't smile or shine, and he's developed a habit for suddenly staring into space blankly at random points in time, and when he does it, there's something hollow about his expression. like something's eating at him, like he's losing a part of himself. I know it sounds damn crazy and melo-dramatic and whatever, but honestly, it's true. it's really really serious. but the thing is that he doesn't wanna talk to anyone about it, which I know is gonna make things worse. though I think I have an idea of what happened. but it's still not the same as sitting down next to him and really listening to everything he has to say. which is of course the ideal situation, but he won't let anyone come close enough to do that. and so it's really worrying, because I really don't want him to lose himself or anything. I mean it's serious stuff. you know? :s
haha. like sleep. I need to freaking sleep earlier. you know my alarm clock rings at 445 everyday. but I just shut it off once and it keeps on going off for about an hour before I force my ass off my bed and go wash up. T_T lit lectures have been the most convenient for sleeping though :P
my gradesssssssssss. it's not like I'm failing everything, but I'm not getting Bs for everything either. which is probably what I should aim for right now since I still haven't got the hang of stuff that well... things are going from B to A to C. HELLO, STAY AT A ):
I'm really trying to push all my emotions into one corner and close the door on them. like give them a time-out. cos that's what they need. too many emotions wrestling for attention, and end result is that I feel like a piece of shit. not good for me. hence cordon off emo sentiments, and do my best to get on with life.
aye. I'm updating every single day. this ain't good. D: I need to stop soon. ugh.
okay well a proper update's probably way overdue. seeing as most of the previous posts have been damn emo and shit like that. I was feeling like a piece of crap, cut me some slack, yo. TMR WILL BE A BETTER DAY. I KNOW IT WILL.
actually I don't? I just don't want another fucked up week, please. hopefully I won't. midweek there's guitar concert! so that should be a change :D dinnering with engs and lisa afters WOOH. now to convince my mum to let me out past 10pm on a schoolnight. don't know how I'm gonna do it, but okay whatever.
anyway I was going to update properly. lol. kay since I've taken to numbering stuffs in my posts recently, for some random reason, I'll stick to that!
lol. ms pang was so nice. she took off my number tag for me after I was done. and some random pe teacher gave me a pat on the back. LOL. ortega was really encouraging too! YAY for pe deptttt. anyway I'm so glad I passed lah. CAN DO ELECTIVES :D I'm gunning for inline skating.. or kickboxing. wish they had like, muay thai or something HAHAHA. no I'd join lorh. damn fun. even if I'd probably be the only girl, and get trashed like crazy, but nemind it would be fun. haha.
YIPPEE YAI YEE! 8D 8D 8D kris' bday celebs. qiany+yuhan+joanna+chermaine+polly+kris(duh)+me went to underwater world to celebrate. sentosa's way cool lah. lol it was my fifth time there this year alone haha.
polly+kris+chermaine had to leave early though, so the rest of us stuck around to catch the 530 dolphin show. but we had to kill time lah, so first we went to look for a toilet cos joanna needed to go. and once we reached the toilet, yuhan couldn't stop squealing cos there were naked children running around and half-naked men strutting their "stuff" (if any) but were really veh CMI cos. COS GOT HAIR IN WEIRD PARTS. HAHA. okay I'll stop here.
THEN! we sneaked into one of the resorts, just to use the toilet at first. then we found POOL TABLES! and so we played pool. AND I LEARNT HOW TO PLAY POOL. YIPPEEZX! at first I kept accidentally knocking the other team's balls (WAHAHHAHAHAHA) near the holes but then I got the hang of it in the end. I quote QIANY: "eh don't touch my balls!"
OH! and sentosa bus rides are the BOMBZX yo. haha. there's a stop called 'ficus', right? but bec the announcer in the bus had like a crazy accent, it sounded like 'welcome to FUCKUS!' WAHAH. and then yuhan asked, why we kept seeing peahens and no peacocks. YOU KNOW WHY COS THEY ALL WENT TO FUCKUS WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
which reminds me! GOT ONE MORE JOKE! one day, there was a bomb. he was spoilt, he couldn't explode because his circuits were fried. so he was a sad sad bomb. then another bomb came by, a bomb that COULD explode! so what did the spoilt bomb say to the working bomb?? 'I NEED A BLOWJOB' WAHAHAHAHA
GEEZ. life is never gonna be the same. i haven't run out of sick jokes since I came into rj. hahahaha.
& CHAN WENQIANG IS A SISSY. 8D he's scared of snakes! WAHAHAHA :D he seriously nearly jumped out of his skin when yuhan pointed out that there was a snake charmer standing us outside the underwater world entrance. HAHAHA.
mm actually that's all I've got to say. nothing happened on friday. well except that I'm quite pleased with my seahist term paper. 8D now if only ihist notes could be as clear-cut as seahist notes, I'd score for ihist too. D:
nemind JIAYOU ME! lit assignment coming up: must OWN it! well I'll do my very best anyway 8D
would you look into my eyes, because the heart never lies
tonight, I just feel so loved 8D
I really love my friends, FREAKING LOVE THEM. heartsssssssssssss, I couldnt get through life without yall. (: to say that you guys are AWESOME, would be an understatement! honestly. be it og or people in class, I've never known so many people who were so damn caring, and understanding, and supportive, and honest, and loving, and sweet, and just plain BRILLIANT. (: despite the lame jokes. and the sick minds wahahahaha. I couldn't thank you enough you guys, truly, thanks for being there for me :D I PROMISE, SWEAR and WILL be as good a friend as guys have been/are to me. (i can't figure out the grammar, so kill me)
haha I promiseeeeeeee I'll pay everyone back next week. this coming week, I mean. pay, like literally, cos I owe a few people alot of money. I'll just pretend like I'm on a diet next week. dunt care. you guys rock, it's the least i could do. LOVEZX. :D :D
disclaimer: I'm feeling quite irritable tonight, so sorry if I annoy you guys with this one xD
ayeeee this is so not fair ): how come so many people know ready??? dammit la. Can’t they mind their own businesssssss. It’s not even funny orh. Shit.
You know what I’m talking about? I’LL TELL YOU WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT. HM-FREAKING-PH.
I was going to the toilet today, then when I got to the toilet there were like 5/6 guys slacking around outside, doing god knows what. and then when I came I thought I heard my name. like "that one is santriani is it?" and I was like ????? cos you see I dont know any of them at all. never seen their faces in my entire life before. so naturally I thought, okay its just my imagination. Im hearing things, geez. *self-deprecates* so I went in, did my business, preened (:D), then went out. but when I went out all six guys were staring at me, like all at once. like with this "hmmmm" kinda look on their faces, and I was like what the FUCK, *runs away* then I bumped into yu xin! and I asked her for a hug cos I needed one, cos I was feeling fucked up at that point in time. I LOVE THAT GIRL. and then *hughug* but when i was hugging her I saw all 5/6 guys looking at us, all laughing, at two random girls randomly hugging in a random corridor in school.
FRIGGIN ANNOYING. it's not an isolated incident this time. as in the other time I was at a traffic light with my friend, and someone's friend came along with a whole bunch of other guys I don't know. and they all stopped and turned as one to give me this "HURHURHUR" kind of look.
ANNOYS THE PANTS OFF OF ME. lucky it only happens in school, cos in school I WEAR SKIRT, NOT PANTS. WAHHAHA JOKE AH
okay I'll stop annoying the piss out of you with all this shit. let's move on.
I have another sick joke! :D credits to my bro. YEH my bro, who's in like in p6. awesome.
one day, there was this dude who was a married to a woman who wouldn't stop nagging him to go find work. and he had a neighbour who was damn hot. so one day he went "LIFE IS DAMN TOUGH" and he hired a sniper to go and kill his neighbour and his wife. he told the sniper to shoot his wife's mouth cos she wouldnt stop nagging him, and to shoot his neighbour's dick cos his neighbour did his wife over. each shot= 1000bucks, so he had to pay the sniper 2000.
SO! the sniper went to his vantage point. and the dude kaypoh go and follow him. and he waiteddddd and he waiteddddd and he waiteddddd but still the sniper didn't fire. so he was like "eh why you never shoot, SHOOT LAH! they're right there!"
and the sniper said, "shut up. I'm trying to help you save a thousand bucks."
WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA GET IT GET IT xD xD xD I laughedddddd until I grew abs when I heard it. freaking gross ah hahaha
okay now let's be serious. lol. seriously. xD come onnnn, I'm trying to be as serious as serious black! really. no really really.
if you noticed, I've been a little out of it lately. because of. well I'd prefer to keep the reason to myself. (: but you guys, all you people who asked me in real life, online, whenever, wherever, if I'm okay or not. I have to this to say to yall: I FCKING LOVE YOU GUYS :D honestly, I didnt expect anyone to even notice. and I was only like that for a week! you know how splendid it is, when the whole day, you just feel like you've got a problem with the world, just because, and then to have people come up to you and ask if you're okay or not. it means a lot.... (: (: (: thank you so much you guys. you freaking awesome friends. LOVE LOVE. muaxzxiiexxxx
thing is... I don't wanna tell yall the truth. because I don't even understand the truth myself, so I can't expect yall to understand if I try to explain it to yall. if it was anything I'd tell you guys, but this is something I can't get anyone to help me with. (: i have to deal with on my own. and I don't like to be put on the spot and have to answer a question I don't know how to answer. trust me, if I needed help I'd ask for it. :P I can't ask for help for this though. I have to do it alone. but I really do appreciate the concern.
1. I don't need your advice. I just need someone who could understand what the hell it is I'm feeling inside. and that sounds horribly arrogant, but truly, I know what I'm doing. I know what I'm getting myself into. but if I don't try, nothing's gonna change. then I'd be back at square one, and I'd rather be anywhere but there. so maybe I'm taking a huge risk. but isn't that what a leap of faith is all about? ....so I guess I've made my decision. I'll do it. and if everything just goes wrong, oh well, too bad, at least I know I tried.
2. eeeeeeee I'm not someone you can just categorise just like that. I DONT WANT TO BE categorised. >:/
3. why is it so hard to accept that that's who it is? I'm not being frivolous, I'm not being fickle, I'm not just trying to kill the boredom. I wish they wouldn't joke about it. or be so 'forthcoming' with their jokes.
4. I'm sorry, man. I know I shouldn't have told you about that. I didn't realize it until you gave such a biting comment. it was too spiteful to be a pretence. I'm sorry. I just. it won't happen. .. but I guess you would've found out sooner or later. a lot of people already know. whatever it is I won't leave you alone. (: friends don't do that.
1. I lost my wallet 2. I lost someone I love 3. now I don't know if I should do anything about him 4. I got pissed off for a really small reason and I lost my temper in school. IN SCHOOL. I couldn't have lost it some place else. 5. I wanna fucking kick something right now 6. AS IF NOT BEING IN THE BEST OF MOODS AT THE START OF THE DAY WASN'T ENOUGH?!?!?!?! 7. YOU, ARE SO, SO, SO, SO, MEANNNNN. NO WONDER SHE DOESN'T LIKE YOU ANYMORE?!
1- I'm fucking pissed at myself. D: this has gotta be the millionth time. I HATE THISSSSS. it dropped, literally dropped out of my bag, because I clearly remember putting it inside my bag. and when I opened the zip at the mrt, it wasn't there. and I went everywhere and asked everyone but noone saw it, which pissed me off even more. WHAT THE FUCK, seriously.
2 & 3- ahhhhh maybe I'm just overthinking things again. but really, I don't know where I stand with you right now. ): and if I didn't think about small things like this I don't think we'd actually be anywhere right now. ironically enough, we technically aren't 'anywhere', but see, it still counts. but it's not enoughhhh. it's not the time factor. there's a lot about you I don't know. in fact, I don't even know anything about the real you. aside from what people tell me... but that's beside the point. I can't base a judgement on speculation, for god's sake. I'm really really confused about 'us' though. is there even an 'us' in the first place? 'us' would be wrong. 'us' would be like othello and desdemona (haha) but that's horribly unfair. it's never felt so right before. it can't be wrong to love someone without really knowing why, can it? but that's the thing. I've never loved a guy and not been able to explain why. which scares me, because why can't I explain it? doesn't that mean it's not real? but it feels real, like it just happened, it just slipped right into place. or is just because I fall too easily? but if I did, there'd be a million other guys I could choose to fall for and try as I might, I can't. and I can't even see anyone else when I talk to you, the world just melts away. then it's just something about you. but what is it? I don't know what it is! D: I lo- lo- lo- I can't say it. I don't mean it. I have to mean it before I can say it proudly. I'm not even technically your friend. even if I'm more than a friend, I have to actually be a friend first right. in more ways than one. that's the hard part. it's so hard to get near to you. but I haven't tried. so I can't say I give up. the question is, am I willing to lay my ass line for you? I've never done that for any guy. of course I've poured out the contents of my heart for someone before, but laying my ass on the line for you is a whole new ball game. but the ball's in my court anyway. gotta figure out a way to do this without the whole world knowing and without hurting either of us. AHHHHH LIFE DAMN TOUGH. T_T
4- haha. it wasn't what happened that got me pissed off, it was what the person who did it meant by doing it which honestly drove me nuts. I haven't felt so pissed off in a long time. I felt like my blood was boiling, like my entire body was on fire, like something inside me was ignited and couldn't be put out. like I was possessed, haha. cos I couldn't think straight and my thoughts were all jumbled up and all I could think about was what a bloody fucking asshole that person was. so I lost my temper, but thankfully it wasn't too bad.. I don't really regret it though, I've been pissed a lot lately, at the same thing most of the time, just that I didn't let it get to me. but when I let it get to me today, it felt really gooooood. haha. ugh. that's kinda twisted, but whatever. ):
5- except i can't cos I don't dare to. the last time I was pissed, I was pissed enough to impulsively want to let it out on the nearest wall, anddd after that I couldn't walk properly for like 2 days. T_T ala when you're pissed you don't think about anything what, you just do it, because you can't think logically and sensibly about what you want to do first.
6- AHHHHHH TOTALLY. it's not anyone's fault. I just miss a few people whom I've not seen since the start of the year. and it's that time of the month, I'm riding the crimson wave, 'red' fever, whatever.. so YEA. DONT MESS WITH ME. hahaha. nah kidding. today was an isolated incident, I promise. in fact I don't even have to promise. just ask my friends. it really is lorh. I don't really get horribly pissed off easily. yea.
7- PINKY! THAT WAS A BITCH MOVE, F(R)IEND, EVEN IF IT WAS NECESSARY. HAHAHAHA. you're damn amusing. you know you could have found other ways to do it?! AIYA. you're lucky it was only a passing crush. what if it wasn't huh? you would have been so so screwed haha. alamak. siao ah you. hahaha. so much for 'oh shit I dont wanna hurt her feelings HOW HOW HOW HOW HOW?!?!!?!' hahahaha GILER. <3
you don't even know how very special you are, you leave me breathless, you're everything good in my life, you leave me breathless, I still can't believe that you're mine. you just walked out of one of my dreams, so beautiful you're leaving mebreathless mm I just thought you should know. [=
you know what, it's true what lisa said- guys ARE worse than girls when they're pms-ing. hey I've been pms-y this whole past week, and possibly the coming week too. at least I don't shoot the whole world down just because my hormonal levels are imbalanced or whatever.
mm... but girls have their shortcomings too.. like being oversensitive over frivolous issues. I was just kidding around with this friend of mine, this girl. cos she said she wanted to be a glamorous tai-tai when she grows up. she was kidding too, so I kid-ed along! and I said she got no hope, cos no one wants her. then she really took offence ehh. 0.o like erhh, relax ah! it was a JOKE! do I look like the kind of person who says that kind of thing to your face randomly and actually means it?
sigh. guess there are some things you can do around girls, but not around boys, and other things you can do around boys, but not around girls? like you can't talk about lingerie with boys, orrrrrrrr change in a classroom with boys around. duh. but at the same time there are certain things you can't say to a girl, that you can say with a guy.
like um I dunno, joke around and tell them they're not pretty, even if they are pretty? I DON'T KNOW. :S and I'm supposed to be a girl.. wahahaha joke ah. I mean if you jokingly tell a guy he's repulsive, he probably won't take offence, even if he's not exactly a dead ringer for paul walker or something... but if you jokingly tell a girl she's ugly, even if it is a little true... then there'll be an awkward silence after that and the atmosphere dies down or something.
pretty annoying, but ugh whatever.
got two jokes to share with yall tday! you might or might not have heard them but anyway ENJOY haha I DON'T THINK YOU WILL BUT DAYMN THAT'S THE POINT, TO MAKE YOU GO 'OHMYGOD LAMEASS T.T'
1. tomato A and tomato B were running. then tomato A slowed down but tomato B continued going at the same pace. so what did tomato A say to tomato B? you go ahead, I'll KETCHUP
2. what did sushi A say to sushi B? WASABI! (wassup, B!)
I wanna tell someone the joke about the buttered corn ): that one must see people's reactions.. FARNIE. i told polly heehee. hmm anyone know what I'm talking about?? :D :D :D that one, and the one engs and dan told t'rueloveskiss on onite or something hahaha, they're both sick jokes.
mm some random camwhore pics.. friday, after trng for napfa! with polly and joanna. haha YEAH we're HARDCORE man, we actually TRAIN for that blasted test. T.T
haha. ain't that just the sweetest thanggggggg. hahaha 'scuse me lah, I was too tired to think straight.
SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS. wooh I don't even know what that meansss, but it just sounds like something you say when your damn excited, so there.
we were trying to act cute! but we look normal right! (I hope we do) YOU KNOW WHY, COS WE DON'T NEED TO ACT TO BE CUTE WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
... okay I'm kidding. >.>
RIGHT, I'm off to do econs now, bye (:
PS I'm so proud of myself :D finally finished reading most of my notes.. MOST. not all :D but it's still an accomplishment. heh.
...incomprehensible. I really don't understand why I'm feeling so mixed up. it's annoying. I'm not usually so confused with myself. I'm angry and disappointed and elated and amused and worried and distraught and highly confused and I want a tight hug so bad but at the same time I just wanna flush all my worries down the toilet bowl and just don't give a fuck about anything tonight
yucks feeling like this suck. loads of shit's been happening at school... few friends of mine are in really tight spots and I'm quite worried about them cos I haven't seen them around since I got to know what happened to them. sent a few sms-es here and there, had msn convos with them, tried to comfort them.. but it's just not the same as saying it face-to-face in real life. the human element's missing. you can't look into a person's eyes when you're online or sms-ing. you can't make em see you mean what you're saying, every single word.
then there's couple more people who are getting weirder each day... like getting more introverted when I know they're actually very much extroverted. or losing a lot of weight. but the thing is that they just act perfectly fine. but obviously something must have caused it. so I'm quite worried about them...
the rest is all my personal problems. haha. kay i wouldn't call them problems. how bout... shortcomings. :D not gonna say much.. cept that people are doing stuff that's good and bad to me I guess.. but definitely absolutely bad for them.. which is why I'm so darn confused. I dunno lah kay.
was just talking to engs online just now.. he explained some stuff about j2 life, cos I asked him. he says j1 is when you can work hard and play hard at the same time. but j2 is when you work hard and there's no time for playing hard at all. which is very freaky. damn scary in fact.. obviously you're gonna need quite a lot of mugging time. how the heck am I ever gonna survive As lahh?
someone, I can't rmb who, said j2s all go through 'drastic weight loss' at some point of time. which kind of adds to my worry. didnt really notice before but yea come to think of it I know a few j2s who serioulsy look like lost a lot of weight. SCARY LIKE HELL.
I gotta go now.. I kinda dozed off for like 15 minutes in front of my laptop xD honestly thouhg, EVERYONE TAKE CARE. I love you all, friends (: (:
but somehow tonight, I just don't wanna worry about mugging. maybe it's because I'm damn tired, maybe it's because I wanna scream my heart out, maybe it's because I can't believe I actually want to start mugging early despite the rara-ness and everything... I still am not very used to hearing this voice in my head that goes "shut up and stop complaining and just do it lah bitch" every time I feel like forgetting about all my hmk and landing myself on the bed like FLOP, at like 9pm xD
it's new. I'm not used to it. almost makes me wanna slack off like early last year xD but I dont want shit grades la whatEVS, zomg?!
I was extremely pms-y today. just because. capital P-M-S. yup.
you know what the difference between rj and rg is? second term of first year at rj feels like third/fourth term of last year at rg, which I guess makes sense, but I don't mind it now. as in I don't really feel the strain of having to putting in effort, considering the lazybum that I am... WAS :D
cos rj is way funner than rg was and will ever be. I feel like I've got a place where I belong. you know? hm. cos I love my class, and I love my og LOADS, and I never felt so loved and loving when I was in rg compared to right now. honestly. and now I actually have friends who really honestly care about me. like no strings attached. no like, hidden agendas or something. and it's really cool (:
I feel like a brand new person. that's gotta do with belonging somewhere, I guess, but I think most of it comes from the fact that.. mmm. I was different last year. I feel different now. something happened during the hols that changed the way I look at life. really. and I am so glad it did, cos life is WAY BETTER NOW. :D :D :D could be because of the guys. guys are way funner than girls most of the time :D um well I guess most guys lah. others are so freaking egoistic it's utterly repulsive, puke-inducing, barf-worthy, what have you.. could be because there's less rules. :D
WHATEVER. I just like it so far here.. (:
two more things. first- apparently jc1 life isn't even a third as hard as j2 life. and already I come back home at 6pm every day and already got lots of hmk and lots of notes to read. mugging hasn't even fully come into the picture? but it's bearable now, I guess I'll just take it step by step and get to j2 when it get to it lah (:
second- ermmmmmmmmmmm talk about first impressions... someone said she thought I was a cheerleader the first time she saw me. D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: AYEEEEEEEEEEEEE. I DON'T WANNA BE A FREAKING CHEERLEADER. BIMBO MUCH?! hahaha (sorry cheerleading friends who might read this. I still love you guys xD) and someone else thought I was indian when she first saw me. AIYOH. i know my skin is damn dark and I know my name probably doesn't sound malay but ala I'M NOT INDIAN LA D: LAST ONE :D another friend said he thought i was the damn quiet damn studious kind at first. HAHA. inconsistencies yaw! haha. ever heard of a cheerleader who's damn quiet and damn studious at the same time?? ala. I love my friends though, they're the awesome-est buncha friends I've ever met. :D alright BYE :D
I know I probably asked for this, but I wish no one had told me anything at all, I swear things get ten times more complicated than they actually are when everyone tells me what they think I should do about this now.
a million different variations and a million different opinions and a million different perspectives and everyone's telling me "I'm right, that person's lying" and I never knew there could be so many different opinions of ONE thing.
listen, I don't wanna know. people are always gonna be bitches and people are always gonna talk about other people behind their backs, but it isn't fair to judge someone simply because of stuff that other people say about him/her. so what if he/she's done stuff in the past that people wouldn't normally do. I don't think anyone has a right to say anything about the kind of person he/she is just because of that one incident, if they didn't even know him/her before they heard about it.
and just look at him, dammit. he wants to leave it behind. why can't people just leave him in peace to bury that part of himself in the past? because it's too juicy a rumour to let slip like that??? that's fucking screwed up. it isn't fair for him.
... you know what, why do I care so much?? I dont gerritttt. I don't even have a reason to care so much. then again, maybe you don't need a reason to care. NO! you NEED one. and I have none. no I have one. it's a good enough reason. wait no it's not!
FUCK. whatever. it's midnight I wanna go sleep, I finished all my hmk and actually did a lil bit of mugging. I know, what's my problem :D hahaha wth alright bye
erhh.. my maid's exercising. O.O i think she's supposed to be doing aerobics? no. I don't know I can't tell.
ANW! oooooh I'm damn happy now. (: just got back from pasir ris park! cycling with a few friends. I'm not allowed to say any names. tell you why later.
but anyway I haven't cycled since like class chalet last year? hahaha. yup. so like today, was the first time this year :D and I'm quite happy with myself. I made everyone swear at me for going too fast :D haha kidding. sorry guys xP
but NOBODY WANTED TO RACE AH D: not even when we were going down the slope, which is quite easy actually. oh well. guess my cousins are still the best for racing :D
yea that's all I gotta say, for everything else, a picture speaks a thousand words :D but they're all solo pics, cos I'm not allowed to tell you guys who came. T.T so shy for whatttttt &there are only a few pcs, cos post solo pics not veh fun. I took more with them. haha.
one of the first things we did when we came. I was too sissy to go any higher than that. plus I wasn't wearing slippers when I climbed, and rope on bare skin hurts. next time if we go west coast park I wanna race somebody to the top of the pyramid there. it's super high and it's super fun to race :D
emo! haha I was really pretending lorh.
no idea what I was doing. just popped into my head to take a picture like that. oh I think I was trying to act shy. since I'm supposed to be 'shy santriani' innit. haha x)
haha ACT CUTE. although I really don't need to act lah..... xD xD xD
oh one more thing, if you don't have a tapz card and wanna go play arcade when you're at downtown east, FORGET IT. it's such a ripoff. really. I only managed to play one game when I bought my tapz card?! it was FIVE BUCKS! 5.35, actually... DDR. honest. not that I was any good at it. I kena game over on my second song hahaha
I wouldn't normally be so stingy with my money, but I need my money orh this week T.T now I'm only left with 4 bucks for 4 days. I'm sure I'll survive with one buck a day. I need to ask my mum for more money.
yea. now for the FUNNEST PART! see the reason why I can't tell you who came, is actually pretty lame. my friends made a lot of sick jokes, and I MEANNNN sick, sick like wah #$*&!$%^! how could you think of thattttt, so they're like very embarrassed. I think. I dunno lah, they just told me 'no names' cos I said I wanted to put it up on my blog
sick convo #1
I need to get out of pervert mode, it's damn hot ah I'm dying.
(the WEATHER was hot. I know, what's that gotta do with anything. doesn't it actually sound like being in perv mode makes her hot? :D)
sick convo #2
what do you get when you have sex in the pasir ris playground? SANDY CUM
(you won't get it if you weren't from rg. think TEACHER.)
sick convo #3
i like pressing things
(in particular...?)
sick convo #4
can I have a wedgie?
(that was me. I meant to say WEDGE. you know, potato wedge. we were eating at kopitiam.)
sick convo #5
we have balls, and wedgies. and seed. and egg. and cucumber. and tomato! STOP SAYING SICK THINGS! .....what, like white sauce?
(balls- pearls, bubble tea. seed- SESAME seed, burger. cucumber- WHATS A WHOLE UNSLICED CUCUMBER LOOK LIKE? tomato- it's round like a ball. white sauce- mayo!)
sick convo #6
-everyone munching- NYAHAHAHAHA -everyone stops and stares- HAHAHAHA why you laugh until like that? cos I'm eating cucumber... the cucumber's got white sauce on it. and I'm eating it!
(I think, if your too innocent, you won't get it. aww.)
sick convo #7
-stirs bubble tea, starts giggling uncontrollably- I can't find my balls -other friend takes bubble tea- NAH, SUCK -gives it back-
sick convo #8
friend: ani you've got white stuff dripping all over you! hahaha me: eh that's sick! friend: ohhh so now we know what you did last night! me: ....it's not mine.
(I was eating icecream. and it was melting in my hands and dripping all over me)
YEA.. life is tough when you have sicko friends. xD I love them anws :D